Practice Well
Dannah Gresh: Here’s Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, co-author of You Can Trust God to Write Your Story.
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Can we trust God when we’re facing death? Death is frightening! But the truth is, the more we trust God with the circumstances of our lives, the easier we’ll find it to trust Him with the circumstances of our death.
My husband Robert had a drama teacher in college who used to say:
Gladys Greathouse: If you practice well, you’ll perform well!
Nancy: The key to experiencing peace in the final pages of our life on earth is to practice. As we learn to trust God in the earlier chapters of our lives, we’ll find that He can be trusted to write each chapter of our story, even death.
God has already planned each of our days, including the day of our death. One of these days, our earthly story will end, but when we turn the last page and put the book down, we’ll get to meet the Author face to face. Talk about a happy ending!
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.