Pray for Yourself
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: We need to pray for ourselves. That may sound selfish, but it’s not, if our goal is for God to be glorified in our lives. Over the years, there are some things I’ve prayed over and over again:
I’ve asked God to guard my heart—to keep it pure. I’ve asked God to fill me with His love, to make me compassionate and sensitive to others around me. I’ve asked Him to fill me with His Spirit—to empty me of myself and fill me with Jesus.
Here are some other things I pray for myself: I pray that I would be clothed with humility; that I would be broken and poor in spirit; that God would make me a servant; that I would have wisdom and discernment. I’ve asked Him to guard my tongue and to give me a thankful heart.
It’s not selfish to pray for ourselves when we realize how desperate we are and how much we need the Lord. Are you praying that you can become more like Him?
With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.