Respectful in the Workplace
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: A single friend of mine describes what she was like before coming to know Christ.
“I was rewarded for selfish ambition, for being pushy, for being aggressive.”
Nancy: But when God transformed her life, she began to change. She was still fully using her talents, but she needed to learn how to use them in a feminine way.
“I had received feedback at times about how intimidating I could be because of the strength of my opinion and how verbal I could be in expressing that opinion.”
Nancy: Even in a fast-paced working environment, a woman can learn to glorify God by encouraging male leadership and speaking with respect.
“I can still bring an opinion or an idea or a bit of counsel to a man in a situation, but I can do it by humbly asking a question rather than just spouting off."
Nancy: As a woman, as you pursue God’s calling on your life, are you doing it in a feminine way?
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.