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Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: We spend a lot of time examining our lives.
Woman 1: I always check my make-up after lunch.
Woman 2: In the morning when I step on the scale and I see that I’ve lost a pound or two—I get so excited!
Man: Tuesday is bill night. My wife and I balance the checkbook, pay bills, and talk about stuff.
Nancy: When is the last time you evaluated your life—spiritually?
Leslie: This is Seeking Him with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.
Nancy: Are you allowing the Bible to be a mirror, showing you areas where you need to change? Are you measuring your spiritual progress? Are you more like Jesus today than you were a year ago?
Keeping close watch on our health and finances is important. But there’s nothing more important than saying with the psalmist, "Oh God, search my heart, try me, know me. See if there be any wicked way in me."
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.