
935 Results

Surgery | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | December 7, 2022

Ask God to show you your needs and change you.

Contrite | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | September 27, 2024

God will draw near to those with a broken, contrite heart.

Wash Your Heart | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | January 25, 2023

Sometimes an outward religious appearance covers up a sinful heart.

Broken or Crushed? | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | January 19, 2023

How do you approach God? In humility or in pride?

Brokenness and Rights | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | November 30, 2022

Will you surrender your rights and accept God's will?

The Essential Vice | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | June 6, 2023

Pride is the number one roadblock to revival.

The Moon and the Sun | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | July 16, 2024

Are you trying to draw attention to yourself, or are you pointing people to the true source of Light?

The Unbroken Religious | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | May 15, 2023

God's grace is available to those who lay down their pride and come to Him with a repentant heart.

The Horse Is Broken | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | January 12, 2023

Brokenness is the shattering of my self-will so the spirit of the Lord Jesus can be released through me.