
53 Results

Constant Cleaning | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | August 4, 2022

Cleaning up never stops. It’s true in the kitchen, and it’s true in our hearts.

A Searching Heart | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | November 21, 2014

Search for God as you take your questions to Him.

Three Reasons to Forgive | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | February 5, 2024

If you want to be forgiven, protected, and free, then choose to forgive today.

Why Me? | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | December 9, 2021

Mary was an ordinary young woman who wondered, Why me?

Horn of Salvation | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | December 16, 2021

Jesus is a powerful Savior and King—which is just the kind we need.

Obedience and Love | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | July 17, 2023

Obedience is one of the most important ways that we can show our love for God to a watching world.

Praise Song | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | December 24, 2021

Try to outdo the angels in expressing your praise, rejoicing at what Jesus came to this earth to accomplish.

Giving God Pleasure | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | December 23, 2021

Giving God pleasure is what angels do.

God's Condescension | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | December 21, 2022

Celebrate this season out of gratefulness for the God who humbled Himself.

Public Gratitude | Seeking Him Episode

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podcast episode | November 23, 2023

Are you displaying gratitude to God before a watching world?