Sing to the Lord
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Have you done any singing today? We’re used to singing at church. But to a lot of people, singing during a typical day might seem strange. But the Bible talks about the power that comes from singing praise to God. The book of Psalms alone makes 68 references to singing to the Lord.
I travel a lot, and I often take along a hymnal or a book of worship choruses. I’m no great singer, but I love to sing to the Lord.
I can think of times when it felt like there was a dark cloud hanging over my spirit. But as I’ve sung to the Lord—sometimes with a trembling voice and my eyes filled with tears—so often the cloud has lifted and the sunlight of God’s peace has poured in.
Why not try singing to the Lord today?
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.