Sixteen Long Years
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: A woman came up to me at a wedding one time and said, “You saved my marriage!” She explained that seventeen years earlier, she had asked for my advice about her husband, who didn’t show any interest in spiritual things. I had said to her, “It’s not your responsibility to change your husband; that’s God’s responsibility. Tell your husband what’s on your heart and then back off and let God do the rest.”
For sixteen long years this wife prayed and waited, without seeing any evidence that God was answering. Then one day the Holy Spirit turned on the light and brought about a dramatic change in her husband.
He couldn’t get enough of the Word, getting up early, taking notes. He was even talking about selling his business and spending more time in ministry.
Are there things you wish were different about your husband? Remember, it’s God’s responsibility—not yours—to change him. Wait on the Lord and see what He will do.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.