The Debt Collector
Nancy Leigh DeMoss: There are essentially two ways of responding to life’s hurts. The first is to become a debt collector.
“For so long there had been a part of me that wanted to bring charges against my molesters and maybe possibly get them convicted.”
Nancy: The other choice is to erase the debt.
“The Lord just overwhelmed me with a burden for their salvation and to forgive them for what they had done.”
Nancy: There is a place for God-ordained authorities to punish and even imprison offenders. But trying to imprison someone in our hearts only puts us in prison.
“I was really able at that point to just forgive them for what they had done and all the hurt and pain they had brought in my life, release them back to the Lord, and really begin to pray that they would come to a saving knowledge of Christ and realize, maybe, what they did to me—that it was sin and be able to repent of it themselves.”
Nancy: Is there a debtor you need to release? Choose to forgive.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss.