The Greatest Hope
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: I remember talking with a man who runs an organization devoted to battling pornography. He had all kinds of strategies for moral and social reform, but he said to me, “Nancy, the older I get, the more I find myself praying for revival in the church. I know that apart from God moving in His church in revival, there is no hope of winning this battle against pornography.”
I heard the same thing regarding abortion from another man involved in social change. He said, “We could change all the abortion laws in this country, but if we don’t have a revival, the hearts of people will not change and the issue will remain unchanged.”
You may feel powerless to change your world, but you can ask God to move in the hearts of His people in revival. And that may be the greatest contribution you could make.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.