Wash Your Heart
Woman: When I was young, I was in church every time the door was open, and I still go every Sunday morning, Sunday evening, Wednesday evening . . .
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Does going to church make you right with God? I believe our churches are filled with people who keep up religious appearances, but they don’t necessarily have a heart for God.
Woman: I sure wouldn’t want those people in my neighborhood . . .
Nancy: The same was true when the prophet Jeremiah said of the nation of Israel, “This people has a defiant and rebellious heart” (5:23). He wasn’t describing pagans—he was talking about religious people! They performed all kinds of ceremonial cleansing, yet he told them “wash your heart from wickedness” (4:14).
Woman: I just hate people who smoke! They drive me crazy . . .
Nancy: Sometimes an outward religious appearance is covering up a sinful heart. If you’ve never done it, would you let God wash your heart from wickedness through the blood of Jesus Christ?
With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.