What Does It Say?
Woman: I read the Bible every day, but sometimes I have no clue what I just read!
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Before we can interpret and apply God’s Word, we need to understand what it says. Here are a few ways you can answer the question, “What does it say?”
One is to summarize.
Woman: One: discussion about suffering and sin. Two: blind man healed. Three: . . .
Nancy: Write the passage in your own words.
Woman: It just so happened that Jesus healed this guy on Saturday, and it made some people . . .
Nancy: Or you can ask questions, as if you were writing a news story. Who wrote this?
Woman: The apostle John.
Nancy: What happened?
Woman: He made mud with His saliva.
Nancy: When was it written?
Woman: I'm going to have to look that one up.
Nancy: Where did this happen?
Woman: It looks like just outside the Temple in Jerusalem.
Nancy: How did it happen? Why was this written?
Woman: He recorded all the miracles to help us believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.
First, discover what the passage says; then don't forget to apply it to your own life.
With Seeking Him, I'm Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.