What Kind of Disciple?
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: When Jesus was on this earth, He chose twelve men to be with Him, learn from Him, and walk with Him. All twelve saw the same miracles, listened to the same messages, and shared the same experiences.
But three of those twelve, Peter, James, and John, formed an inner circle. Their friendship with Jesus went a level deeper than did the friendships of the others.
Of those three, John the Beloved leaned on Jesus’ breast and was closer to Him than all the others.
Jesus is still calling people to be His disciples today. And He still wants to develop intimate relationships. When we’re willing to come apart from the demands of a day and learn from God’s Word, we’re developing a deep friendship with Him.
What kind of disciple are you? One who follows Jesus around but isn’t very intimate? A member of the inner circle? Or are you taking time each day to draw near to Him, pressing into His heart?
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.