Your Philosophy Is Showing
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth: Movies, magazines, and billboards give us a philosophy of fashion, and it’s usually quite a bit different from God’s point of view. Take a minute and compare the world’s philosophy . . .
Woman 1: Beauty is mostly on the outside.
Nancy: . . . with God’s idea.
Woman 2: Beauty is internal and spiritual.
Woman 1: Your body is your identity.
Woman 2: Your body is a temple—it houses your soul.
Woman 1: Your body belongs to you and no other.
Woman 2: God made you. Your body belongs to Him.
Woman 1: If you’ve got it, flaunt it!
Woman 2: Show humility and modesty.
Woman 1: Don’t cover it up. You’ve got to draw attention to yourself.
Woman 2: Draw attention to the spirit and heart.
Nancy: What do your clothing choices say about what you believe? Are you being influenced by the world’s philosophy, or does your appearance reflect God’s heart?
Woman 2: What you wear reflects your heart.
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.