The Deep Well with Erin Davis Podcast

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Episode 4: A Better Body Theology

Erin Davis: “What happened to your blood pressure!?” Those are the words that my family doctor said as she literally burst through the door of the little exam room where I was waiting.

Carol Anne Beck: Welcome to The Deep Well with Erin Davis. I’m your host this season, Carol Anne Beck.

There’s a misconception that we’re going to live forever with Jesus while floating on clouds in some disembodied experience. But Erin is going to give us a different picture of flourishing in Christ. He wants our bodies to flourish, along with our spirits and minds.

This series on flourishing is called “Among The Sequoias.” Erin’s going to pick up with that moment in the doctor’s office.

Erin: Now, I didn't know anything had happened to my blood pressure before she said that—it certainly spiked when she said that! (laughter) I went to see her for what I thought …

About the Teacher

Erin Davis

Erin Davis is a teacher and author who is passionately committed to getting women to the deep well of God’s Word. She has written more than a dozen books and Bible studies including 7 Feasts, Lies Boys Believe, … read more …

About the Host

Carol Anne Beck

Carol Anne Clemons Beck is a wife, mother of two and a Christian School music teacher. Being widowed at 24, her journey of joy through grief began and continues to this day.