The Deep Well with Erin Davis Podcast

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Episode 7: The Day of Atonement

Season:  7 Feasts |

Dree Hogue: Erin, I want to hear about how the seven feasts captured your attention in your heart. 

Erin Davis: Well, I wanted the women in the church where I was a women's ministry director to love their Old Testaments. I decided we'd teach the seven feasts. I knew almost nothing about them, but I knew they were in the Old Testament. So, my team and I created this experiential journey through the seven feasts. For example, during the Feast of Firstfruits, they brought in these bamboo shoots and sang “Bringing in the Sheaves” together. During the Feast of Trumpets, everybody blew a kazoo. But during this feast, the Day of Atonement, the activity was much more somber. They were invited to come into the sanctuary of our church. Picture 200 women coming in one by one into the silent sanctuary of our church. We had two curtains, two heavy …

About the Teacher

Erin Davis

Erin Davis is a teacher and author who is passionately committed to getting women to the deep well of God’s Word. She has written more than a dozen books and Bible studies including 7 Feasts, Lies Boys Believe, … read more …