
94 Results

Episode 5: What Flourishing Means to a Flailing World | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | August 25, 2023

Erin Davis will explore why a commitment to flourishing goes beyond our personal well-being and becomes a strategy to win the lost.

Episode 1: The Dream of the Healthier Church | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | March 7, 2024

Erin exposes the health crisis plaguing the modern Church and asks you to embrace body stewardship as part of your Christian witness.

Episode 2: The Passover | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | January 16, 2021

If you have come to faith in Jesus, you have a huge reason to celebrate! Erin Davis reminds you of that by exploring the Feast of Passover.

Episode 4: Suffering with Hope | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | October 11, 2021

We all know what it means to suffer. But you can suffer with hope because of the suffering Jesus endured for us.

Episode 2: Work While We Wait | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | August 27, 2024

Erin Davis casts a vision for how to wait for Jesus' second return well.

Episode 4: A Better Body Theology | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | August 25, 2023

Through a continued exposition of Psalm 92, Erin Davis will ask you to evaluate how your health practices impact your ability to thrive.

Episode 2: Christ and the Church | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | January 4, 2024

During a difficult season in marriage, Dannah Gresh turned to her longtime friend and mentor Tippy Duncan for wisdom.

Episode 5: Bearing One Another’s Burdens | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | May 1, 2021

You can't develop strong relationships with people if you're trying to avoid messiness. Erin will show you why genuine community is worth the mess.

Episode 5: The Hero Who Forgave | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | January 13, 2022

Erin tells us about the first disciple killed for his faith in Jesus and tells us why his death was a type of eclipse.

Episode 6: Affirming God’s Design | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | November 7, 2023

Open your Bible to Genesis 1 and get the tools you need to equip your son to understand, embrace, and celebrate God’s design.