True Girl Podcast

Claire Black: This is True Girl a podcast for girls and their moms. And dads, it’s been so good to have you this season. Together we’ve been exploring God’s truth about what it means to be a girl. We’ve even talked about boys, and we’ve done it all, one drive at a time. 

Buckle up, you’re about to grow closer to each other and closer to Jesus. As we come to the end of this season, I hope you have a better understanding about what it means to be a girl, and maybe you’re beginning to understand why God created two genders. 

Well, today we’ll go just a bit deeper into that super interesting topic with our host Dannah Gresh. She and her husband Bob coauthored a book called 8 Great Dates for Dads and Daughters. At the end of the podcast, Bob will invite you and your dad …

About the Hosts

Bob and Dannah Gresh

Bob and Dannah Gresh are nationally recognized leaders who utilize a faith-based approach to coach parents to have a heathy relationship with their tweens and teens. Together they have authored more than five books on the subject of sexuality and … read more …

Staci Rudolph

Staci Rudolph is a lead teacher for True Girl. From cohosting online Bible studies like Habakkuk: Walking By Faith Through Difficult Days to facilitating biblical discussion of teen topics on the True You videocast, Staci is passionate about encouraging … read more …