
84 Results

How Does a Loyal Girl Deal with Loneliness? | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | May 24, 2023

Have you ever felt really lonely? Ruth did too, and today Dannah and Staci are going to talk about what she did to fight that loneliness. It's what you can do,

Celebrating Jesus | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | December 22, 2021

There’s really no better celebration to attend than one that honors our Savior!

What Is Faithfulness? | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | August 16, 2023

Learn how to become a girl of faithfulness as you study the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus!! And hey, we’re going camping so grab your hiking boots!

Jesus Wants to be the Boss of Your Thoughts! | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | March 22, 2023

Today in the True Girl Truth Lab Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph will be teaching you another important part of lie detection: replacing a lie with truth.

Why Should I Trust the Bible? | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | August 24, 2022

You never know if a cat is going to be cuddly or irritable. But unlike cats, the Bible never changes, and it is completely trustworthy!

How to Spark Crazy Revival | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | December 27, 2023

Dannah Gresh and Staci Rudolph are on their way home. They’re ready to get back, but they’re still having good conversations and listening to the best playlist

What Is Courage? | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | November 2, 2022

Do you ever feel scared to stand up for what you know is right? If your answer is a big “yes”— this season of the True Girl podcast is for you.

What Is Loyalty? | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | May 10, 2023

Ruth was a woman who lived in a foreign land, but even though it was hard, she was loyal to God. You can be a loyal girl, too!

Love Is Patient | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | February 16, 2022

Chances are, you know what it feels like to experience mean girl moments. You also might know what it’s like to boil over with jealousy, anger, or frustration.

God, Our Creator | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | May 4, 2022

Learn about the details of peacock feathers and one reason God made them the way He did. Hint: He loves it when you enjoy His creation!