True Girl Podcast

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Sticks & Stones

Claire Black: This is True Girl, a podcast for girls and their moms. During this second season, we’re exploring God’s truth for us with our dads or father figures. Just what does the Bible say about boys? Let’s find out one drive at a time. 

Buckle up, you’re about to grow closer to each other and to Jesus. 

True girl, let’s admit it. We are constantly hearing unbiblical ideas, and one of the biggest lies some teenagers believe is this: “My life would be better if I had a boyfriend.” That puts them in a big hurry to chase after relationships they aren’t ready for. And unfortunately, a lot of girls think they need a boyfriend by the time they’re oh like maybe ten or eleven! Crazy right? 

Today, we’ll discover a rock-solid truth from the Bible. It will help us overcome the so-called need for a boyfriend. 

True Girl …

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About the Hosts

Bob and Dannah Gresh

Bob and Dannah Gresh are nationally recognized leaders who utilize a faith-based approach to coach parents to have a heathy relationship with their tweens and teens. Together they have authored more than five books on the subject of sexuality and … read more …

Staci Rudolph

Staci Rudolph is a lead teacher for True Girl. From cohosting online Bible studies like Habakkuk: Walking By Faith Through Difficult Days to facilitating biblical discussion of teen topics on the True You videocast, Staci is passionate about encouraging … read more …