Will We Ever Solve All the Bible Mysteries?
Claire Black: This is True Girl, a podcast for girls and their moms. Together, we’ll explore God’s Truth for us one drive at a time.You’re about to grow closer to each other and closer to Jesus!
In this season, Dannah Gresh, author of Lies Girls Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free, and Staci Rudolph become detectives.
Together with you, they’re investigating some of the questions people have about the Bible. So, True Girl, pull out your notebook and magnifying glass, because we’re going to our final mystery-solving investigation destination—a carnival!
Today on the final episode of the Great Bible Investigation season of the True Girl Podcast, Dannah and Staci talk about why Staci can never really take off her detective hat . . . and why you can’t either! Let’s wrap up with episode 8 of season 6. It’s called, “Will We Ever Solve All the Bible Mysteries?” …
Claire Black: This is True Girl, a podcast for girls and their moms. Together, we’ll explore God’s Truth for us one drive at a time.You’re about to grow closer to each other and closer to Jesus!
In this season, Dannah Gresh, author of Lies Girls Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free, and Staci Rudolph become detectives.
Together with you, they’re investigating some of the questions people have about the Bible. So, True Girl, pull out your notebook and magnifying glass, because we’re going to our final mystery-solving investigation destination—a carnival!
Today on the final episode of the Great Bible Investigation season of the True Girl Podcast, Dannah and Staci talk about why Staci can never really take off her detective hat . . . and why you can’t either! Let’s wrap up with episode 8 of season 6. It’s called, “Will We Ever Solve All the Bible Mysteries?”
Hot Dog Guy: Get ya hot dogs! Get ’em while they’re hot! Get ’em while they’re dogs!
Dannah Gresh: Staci, do you see that guy over there? Is that . . .?
Staci Rudolph: I’ll tell ya, that guy has more jobs right now than I have my whole life.
Dannah: I think you’re right.
Staci: I love carnivals!
Dannah: Me, too! The food, the rides, the smells . . . but my favorite thing about carnivals is . . .
Dannah Staci: People watching!
Dannah: Let’s get some food and go sit on a bench to people watch. I’m going over to that stand to get some chicken on a stick.
Staci: I’m headed straight for the funnel cake!
Dannah: Yum! I’ll grab us some fresh squeezed lemonades, okay?
Staci: Great! I’ll meet ya at the bench.
Dannah: Well, by the amount of powdered sugar on the front of your shirt, I’m guessing you’ve already started eating your funnel cake.
Staci: It’s sooo good! But, yeah, they sure are messy!
Dannah: What else did you get? What are those little deep fried puffy things?
Staci: It’s deep-fried cauliflower. You know, I feel like anything is good when you batter and deep fry it! They can deep fry anythingthese days.
Dannah: I saw that food truck. They have deep-fried broccoli, pickles, asparagus, and even Oreos!
Staci: Dannah, they even have deep-fried butter!
Dannah: Okay, I’m not sure if I’m disgusted by that or if I just really, really want to try it.
Staci: I think I want it. Maybe before we leave I’ll grab some.
Dannah: Okay, would you say there is just no end to what you can deep fry?
Staci: I mean, I’m no expert, but it sure seems that way. Wait! Are you setting us up for this week’s Bible mystery solving?
Dannah: You caught me! But it’s actually not a Bible mystery. It’s more of a Bible mystery solving challenge. But should we review the things we’ve learned over the past seven weeks first?
Staci: Yup. True Girl, see if you can remember what Bible mysteries we’ve solved.
Dannah: Week one at the donut shop with the donut barista, we talked about why we need to become Bible Detectives.
Staci: Yeah, a great topic . . . and great donuts! Week two we discovered who wrote the Bible when we went to the library.
Dannah: Yeah, I’m so glad we were able to go into that private study room because the librarian sure didn’t want us making any noise!
Week three was at the cat café. The barista there looked a little familiar, and there was Samson that cantankerous cat. We talked about why we can trust the Bible.
Staci: That was cool to see how the Bible proves itself over and over in all kinds of ways! Week four was awesome at the Museum of the Bible when we discussed the different Bible translations.
Dannah: Yeah and how about the delicious ice cream we had on week five where we uncovered how the Bible wasn’t always one whole book?
Hey! Was that guy there too?
Staci: You know he was.
That rolled ice cream shop was so, so cool! And I remember week six at the pizza shop because the food was amazing. We went through the different categories of the books of the Bible, like major prophet, minor prophet, and poetry books.
Dannah: Staci, I bet you’ll never forget last week at the bubble tea shop!
Staci: Never . . . it wasn’t that bad. I’m only a little bit scared by the idea of chewing my tea, but the lesson around why there is an Old and New Testament was really good!
Dannah: And now today. Staci, you look super cute in your detective hat,Glad you wore it for our last time together. Today, I want to tell you when you can stop wearing it.
Staci: Wait . . . what? When can I stop wearing it?
Dannah: How about never?
Staci: Never? I’m not sure how I feel about that. I really love tucking my hair up under a cozy hoodie.
Dannah: Well, we can never stop solving Bible mysteries, Staci. As followers of Jesus, we must be lifelong Bible detectives! Are you ready for today’s Bible verse? This is Hebrews 4:12:
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
You know the fact that the Word of God is alive doesn’t mean that it changes. It means it changes us; it becomes alive to us in different ways.
Staci: I totally get that. Sometimes I’ll read a part of Scripture that I’ve read lots of times before, but it hits differently because I’ve grown and changed.
Dannah: Exactly! The same thing happens to me all the time! That’s exactly why we’ll spend the rest of our days on earth continually learning more and more of the mysteries in God’s Word. We have to position ourselves to be humble lifelong learners when it comes to the Bible.
Staci: Start Note: Be a humble lifelong learner when it comes to the Bible. End Note.
Uh oh, I got powdered sugar on my little tape recorder.
Hey, True Girl! Do you remember the Scripture we read to start this whole series? I’ll read it again from the Bible app on my phone. It’s Colossians 3:23:
I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. I want them to have complete confidence that they understand God’s mysterious plan, which is Christ himself. In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
We learned that John chapter 1 says Jesus is the Word in flesh. So, when we’re discovering the Word, we’re discovering more of Christ!
Dannah: Staci, I’m so glad you read that again. The last part of that Scripture proves again that we can never take off our Bible detective hats!
Staci: You mean the part that says, “In him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”?
Dannah: Yep. Our whole lives we’re going to need wisdom and knowledge. And the wisdom and knowledge you need today will be different from the wisdom and knowledge you’re going to need say, in ten years.
And, True Girl, that goes for you, too! The treasures you discover and grow from in God’s Word today will be different from the treasures you’ll uncover when you graduate from high school, go to college, go to work, start a family, or serve the Lord as a missionary overseas . . . or whatever you do.
Staci: That’s so true, Dannah. As we grow and change, we can always depend on the Word of God to provide all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge we need along the way! It truly is a never-ending treasure!
Dannah: So, so true! How about for our final week’s assignment, we pray a prayer of gratitude for God’s Word?
Staci: That is exactly what I feel like doing! We can pray right here on this bench at the carnival, right?
Dannah: You bet we can! “Lord God, thank You for providing Your Word for us! Thanks for helping us understand it better. You love us perfectly and provide for everything we need. Thanks for friends, like Staci, who love the Bible and thank you for our True Girls who are already getting so full of Your truth. So full of Your truth that there won’t be any room for lies! We love you! In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Staci: Amen!
Dannah: True Girl, take some time this week to thank God for His Word. Maybe you’ll want to pray it out loud like I just did or maybe you’ll want to write it out, sing it out or even paint it out. Find a way to express your gratitude to God.
Staci: Dannah, I gotta say it was fun being Bible Detectives with you, you too True Girl!
Dannah: It’s been a blast! I LOVE learning about God’s Word and I love being with friends who love the Word! And, of course, all the good food and treats along the way was a big added bonus!
Poporn Guy: Popcorn! Get your popcorn!
Staci: He just won’t quit.
Dannah: No.
Staci: You know,I was thinking . . . maybe for the next series we can be cowgirls!
Dannah: Umm . . .
Staci: Or astronauts! Bible astronauts!
Dannah: I do not think so . . .
Staci: Oo, oo, how about if we were trapeze
Don’t worry, Dannah! I’ll think of something really good!
Dannah: I’m sure you will, Staci. I’m sure you will! In the meantime, you need to finish that funnel cake because I want to ride some rides!
Claire: “Become a humble lifelong learner of God’s Word.” I’m going to write that down. I don’t know about you, but I have learned so much from this series! I feel like I got smarter when it comes to my Bible, and I feel like I don’t need to be so intimidated by it.
True Girl, if you and your mom are looking for a great way to spend some time in God’s Word together, I have the perfect idea. You can register for our Fall 2022 online Bible study based on Dannah Gresh’s book Lies Girls Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free. It’s part of a series of books edited by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. True Girl lead teachers Shani McKenzie and Janet Mylin will guide you through Dannah’s book and the Bible study associated with it . . . and Staci Rudolph will make weekly appearances from the True Girl tour bus! Learn more at MyTrueGirl.com.
True Girl, we will see you soon for the next series of the True Girl podcast. If you haven’t listened to all of our different series yet, go back and check out the Creature Teacher series, or maybe the True Beauty series. Remember, everyone at True Girl loves you, and we’re praying for you!
True Girl is a production of Revive Our Hearts calling women of all ages to freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness in Christ
*Offers available only during the broadcast of the podcast season.