Fruitful in Every Season

2023 Annual Praise Report

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From Nancy’s Heart

From the time I was a young girl, one of my goals was to be a godly old lady someday. As a seven-year-old, I’m not sure I knew exactly what that would look like, but I do know this: the godly older woman in my mind was not sitting idly in a rocking chair—unless she was singing a grandchild to sleep. She was still serving the Lord and others—shining the light of the gospel to those around her.

God’s Word calls us to be spiritually fruitful at every age—from seven to ninety-seven and everywhere in between. And that vision of lifelong fruitfulness is what we’re helping women embrace through the ministry of Revive Our Hearts.

This annual praise report includes snapshots of what we’ve seen the Lord do this year, as well as a glimpse of the direction we believe He is leading us in the year ahead. You’ll also hear from women whose lives have been changed because of your prayers and support—women who, by God’s grace, are finding freedom, fullness, and yes, fruitfulness, in every season of life.

Thank you for your partnership as we serve Him and them.

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

“God knows I needed—and still need—the influence of Revive Our Hearts in my life,” Ann says. As she prepares for her eventual retirement and her years to come this side of heaven, she counts Revive Our Hearts as one of her greatest blessings.

“Your Will Be Done”: Becky Ellerman’s Story

Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of women like Becky.

Broadcasting & Podcasting

Revive Our Hearts offers women a steady drip of biblically-centered content across radio and digital platforms.

She’s been listening to Revive Our Hearts since it first aired.

She’s soaking in Grounded as she waits in the car line at school.

She’s catching Seeking Him as soon as she sits down at her desk each weekday.

She’s listening to the The Deep Well podcast on her morning walk across campus.

She’s only in second grade but she’s learning to love God’s Word through True Girl.

Highlights from 2023:

40 million

Downloads of the Revive Our Hearts daily program

Over 300

Revive Our Hearts audio and video programs distributed in Vietnam

Studio N

A new donor-funded home studio allows Nancy greater flexibility in recording new audio/video content


Grounded downloads

Let's Pray Initiative


Prayer requests were received and interceded for

During the Let’s Pray! initiative in April, Revive Our Hearts staff and volunteers held a forty-eight-hour prayer vigil to cry out to God for revival. Listeners were encouraged to submit prayer requests, and our team lifted up each request to the Lord.

Fervent Prayer

At Revive Our Hearts we believe that every revival movement begins with fervent prayer.

Biblical Clarity in an Age of Confusion

A ministry-wide effort during “Pride Month” sought to help women navigate the confusing and deceptive messages we are being bombarded with on gender and sexuality. Our aim was to provide biblical clarity and to hold up God’s good design. We anticipated that this countercultural message would generate pushback. On the contrary, we received a groundswell of responses from people expressing their gratitude for our willingness to shine the light of God’s Word in the darkness.

Revive Our Hearts has been such a blessing to my life. I began to listen at age nineteen. Now, I’m thirty-four and a newlywed, and the programs on rethinking sexuality have been a God-sent message.” —“Angie”

Life-Changing Events

Over 8,000 women descended on Expo Guadalajara in Guadalajara, Mexico, for Mujer Verdadera ’23, a True Woman conference hosted by our Spanish ministry, Aviva Nuestros Corazones. Women representing a wide range of ages and nationalities rallied around the theme libertad, plenitud, y abundancia—freedom, fullness, and fruitfulness.

“Three years ago the Lord started a process in my heart and life during the Aviva Nuestros Corazones conference. I gave my life to Him. At Mujer Verdadera ’23 He freed me from the prisons of religiosity and pride. He is also healing my relationships. The only one left to heal was my relationship with my sister. She came with me and He did it! He healed this relationship. Hallelujah!” — “Mia”


Countries were represented at Mujer Verdadera ’23


Connections to the livestream


Women reached through the livestream

Digital Platforms

Revive Our Hearts reaches women online with biblical answers
and Christ-centered perspective.

YouTube Subscribers

Revive Our Hearts received the Silver Creator Award. More than 20,000 videos are now available on our channel.

“I have been a widow with six children for two years now. Through the Father’s leading and Revive Our Hearts’ 30-Day Singled Out Challenge, my heart has finally calmed down. I’ve learned I need to embrace this season God has ordained as a time to invest in my relationship with Him, the One who is ultimately my true and enduring source of satisfaction, strength, joy, and peace. No human being could ever fill me like God can.” —“Cassie”