30-Day Bible Reading
30-Day Bible Reading

What would happen if you read your Bible every day? Would anything change? Take the 30-Day Bible Reading Challenge and find out. Join us in setting aside some time each day to open God's powerful Word. 

What to Expect

An email will be delivered to your inbox each day that includes:

  1. A passage of Scripture to meditate on
  2. A short devotional rooted in God’s Word
  3. A specific challenge to apply biblical principles to your own life
  4. A resource chosen by the Revive Our Hearts staff
  5. A set of reflection questions to help you dig deeper

Consider what God is teaching you. Keeping a journal is one way to process the journey.

To prepare your heart as you begin this journey, spend some time with the Lord in prayer today. Share with Him your current feelings and concerns, your hopes and expectations. Ask Him to work powerfully over the next thirty days.

Sample Emails

Here is a sample of three emails from this challenge.

Sign Up to Take the Challenge

* Denotes required
  • You can opt out of the challenge at any time
  • Immediately after you sign up, you will receive a confirmation email and you may begin the challenge