A Closer Look at Prayer-Saturated Leadership
If you long to be a prayer-saturated leader, what’s your next step?
If you long to be a prayer-saturated leader, what’s your next step?
Motivate and engage women to pray with this mini-session series.
You and I have been drafted into the Lord’s army. The way we engage in warfare is by raising the sword of the Spirit.
Where Are the Wailing Women? - by Blaire Linne
If you’ve grown weary in praying, you’re not alone. Here’s help to remain steadfast.
Prayer is living life with Jesus.
Satan may roar, but he’s no match for Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. The victory is won!
Tell Jesus the mess. Don’t filter. He already knows.
As you pray for the lost, try tears.
Seek the welfare of our nation.
As long as there is breath in our lungs, may we know, love, and proclaim God’s precious Word to the next generation.
What are you so passionate about that you are brought to tears? Bring those cares, concerns, and thoughts to God. “Pour out your heart like water.”
The Church may be attacked, but she will prevail.
Spend some time praising God for His presence, for being a refuge, and for hearing your prayers.
Let’s pray for a fresh infusion of grace for serving in a dry and weary land.
Don’t take your armor off. Stand up. Be bold! In the mighty name of Jesus lift up that prayer AGAIN!
We must cry out with urgency to the God who helps, who hears, and who remembers His people. Oh, Lord! Help us! Hear us! Remember us!
We will put feet to our words, crying out to God, expecting Him to do big things.
Even when it seems like God isn’t doing anything, He’s still working.
Learn how to implement a focused, intentional prayer initiative in your ministry.
Faithful leader: this women’s ministry veteran is praying for you.
Interrupted ministry is a call to accelerated prayer.
What if prayer became the hallmark of our ministries?
What changes could take place if we chose to lead our women to engage in effective group prayer?
You don't always need new prayer meeting topics in order to have vibrant group prayer. Breathe life into small group prayer with these new format ideas.
A successful ministry is not about numbers; it’s about changed lives. And God changes lives through prayer.
Discover a new way to pray. It only takes ten minutes.
When a new ministry year rolls around, the best way to start is on our knees.
What if things could be different? What if instead of prayer being a peripheral part of your ministry and calling, it became central to the work?
Learn to lead powerful prayer meetings. Discover essential tips and a step-by-step guide for impactful, God-centered corporate prayer.