Chapter -14

  • Grace for the Humble
    Chizuruoke Anderson   Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: James -14:6-4:6

    Grace can be for flushing out the things in your life that the Lord has shown you to be toxic. Read More

  • Growing in Holiness
    Topics: Revival   Scripture: James 1:21

    Getting on an exercise program or reading a book on effectiveness—-all these things can be helpful. But have you ever thought about growing in holiness? Read More

  • Channels of God's Generosity
    Topics: Missional Living   Scripture: James 1:17

    Nancy says the church has been called to provide for the poor. But in many cases, the church has given that role up. Read More

  • A Faith that Saves
    Topics: Grief & Death, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: James 2:14

    "We all have faith in something, but not all faiths save." That statement was made by a woman dying of cancer. She’ll challenge you to evaluate your faith. Read More

Chapter 1

  • Growing in Holiness
    Topics: Revival   Scripture: James 1:21

    Getting on an exercise program or reading a book on effectiveness—-all these things can be helpful. But have you ever thought about growing in holiness? Read More

  • Channels of God's Generosity
    Topics: Missional Living   Scripture: James 1:17

    Nancy says the church has been called to provide for the poor. But in many cases, the church has given that role up. Read More

  • Stay Steadfast
    Deborah Smith   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: James 1:4

    God doesn’t just want us to bear fruit, He wants us to bear “much” fruit (John 15:8). Read More

  • Count It Joy
    Dannah Gresh   Topics: Gratitude   Scripture: James 1:5

    Thank God that you can trust Him in all circumstances—and that in everything you can give thanks. Read More

  • Joy as You Endure
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: James 1:3-4

    It’s not just having trials that helps you to endure; it’s responding to those trials with faith and joy. Read More

  • Weeds
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: James 1:21

    If the weeds of impurity are growing unchecked, they will choke out holiness. Read More

  • Be Honest with Yourself
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Revival   Scripture: James 1:22

    Thank God for His grace and power to cleanse and revive honest hearts. Read More

  • Put It into Practice
    Ana Nin de Olivio   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: James 1:22

    God wants to free us from deceiving ourselves. Therefore, He calls us to be doers—to look attentively at His truth. Read More

  • Getting the Bible Through You
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: James 1:22

    As you spend time reading and studying God’s Word, think through how you need to respond. Read More

  • A Sense of Direction
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: James 1:5

    We’re all directionally challenged when it comes to decision making. We need written instructions, and we have them in God’s Word. Read More

  • Doers of the Word
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: James 1:22

    God told Ezekiel the problem with His people was that they “sit in front of you, and hear your words, but they don’t obey them." Read More

  • Building Up Your Muscles
    Deborah Smith   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: James 1:2

    Each trial prepares us to go through the next one with greater faith, resolve, and trust. Read More

  • A Single Source
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Gratitude   Scripture: James 1:17

    Christian gratitude— recognizing and expressing appreciation for the benefits we have received from God and others. Read More

  • An Unwelcome Friend
    Kimberly Wagner   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: James 1:2-3

    Adversity is an unwelcome friend, but make no mistake, it is our friend. Read More

Chapter 2

  • Episode 3: Playing Favorites
    Topics: Motherhood & Family   Scripture: Genesis 37:1-5, Exodus 19:4-6, James 2:1-9

    Joseph’s family played favorites, and it ended in disaster. Consider how favoritism can cause division in your home and within God’s family. Read More

  • A Faith that Saves
    Topics: Grief & Death, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: James 2:14

    "We all have faith in something, but not all faiths save." That statement was made by a woman dying of cancer. She’ll challenge you to evaluate your faith. Read More

Chapter 3

  • Untamed or Well-Trained?
    Mary Kassian   Topics: Words & The Tongue   Scripture: James 3:3

    Changing our words from evil to good requires time, energy, and commitment. Read More

  • Burning Words
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Words & The Tongue   Scripture: James 3:5

    Although we may have no intention of hurting others, our words can inflict great damage which can take years to restore. Read More

  • What's Below the Surface
    Mary Kassian   Topics: Words & The Tongue   Scripture: James 3:10

    Your mouth is like a spiritual barometer. It reveals what’s really going on under the surface. Read More

  • Lack of Love
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: James 3:14

    The problem with envy in the Corinthian church and in us today is a lack of love. It all goes back to love. Read More

  • Teaching the Word in Fear and Fearlessness
    Jen Wilkin Topics: Women's Ministry   Scripture: James 3:1-12

    Are you called to teach God's Word to women? Jen Wilkin shows you why you need a healthy fear and a fearlessness as you take on this awesome responsibility. Read More

  • Teaching the Word, Day 1
    Topics: Women's Ministry   Scripture: James 3:1-2

    James says not many should become teachers. But in Titus we’re told that older women are to teach younger women. How do you reconcile these two passages? Read More

  • Teaching the Word, Day 2
    Topics: Women's Ministry   Scripture: James 3:1-2

    Jen Wilkin will show you how to embrace the need to teach and invest others. And she’ll also show you how to do it with a sense of healthy fear. Read More

  • A Steering Mechanism
    Mary Kassian   Topics: Words & The Tongue   Scripture: James 3:5

    The Lord will arm you with strength, help turn your tongue in the right direction, and make your way perfect—if you let Him. Read More

Chapter 4

  • The Opposite of Brokenness
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: James 4:8

    Our idea of brokenness and God’s idea of brokenness are usually quite different. Read More

  • Grace for the Humble
    Chizuruoke Anderson   Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: James -14:6-4:6

    Grace can be for flushing out the things in your life that the Lord has shown you to be toxic. Read More

  • Troubled
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: James 4:9

    When those we love choose to walk in worldliness, our souls will be troubled. It will grieve us. Read More

  • Humility in Ministry
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: James 4:10

    Are you a humble Christian? Read More

  • How to Know God
    Kim Cash Tate   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: James 4:8

    We can be in relationship with God through His Son, saved and secure in our eternal future yet not dwelling closely with Him here on earth. Read More

  • He Wants You Back
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: James 4:6

    If the things you cherish pull you away from God, He will lay them in ruins if it’s necessary. He wants you back. Read More

  • A Picture of Grace
    Robyn McKelvy   Topics: Marriage & Dating   Scripture: James 4:6

    Submission is God’s idea. So, if God has this idea, it’s a good thing because His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Read More

  • Saying No to Fear and His Buddies
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: James 4:7-10

    Fear tempts all of us. Karen Loritts says one problem with fear is that it brings buddies. Find out what she means as she speaks candidly about fear. Read More

  • Rescued from Bitterness
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: James 4:7-10

    Is there any cure for bitterness? Karen Loritts knows what it’s like to be hurt. She knows what it’s like to harbor bitterness. Read More

  • Temptation and Praise
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance, The Enemy   Scripture: James 4:7

    Has Satan tormented you with fears and doubts? Try praising the Lord, and watch Satan flee. Read More

  • When Wants Are Seen as Needs
    Topics: Sin & Repentance, Words & The Tongue   Scripture: James 4:1-3

    What happens when you mistake wants for needs? Paul David Tripp says one result is anger. Learn to avoid sinful anger by keeping wants and needs straight. Read More

  • When Good Things Become Too Important
    Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: James 4:1-3

    You get angry when good things become too important in your life. Paul David Tripp shows you how to avoid sinful anger by helping you examine your heart. Read More

  • Walking in Brokenness
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: James 4:7

    When God asks you to surrender something—even something small—in your life, the real issue is not the “what” it is you’re “giving up” but how willing you are. Read More

  • For the Humble Heart
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: James 4:6

    God races to the scene when His children humble themselves and acknowledge their need. Read More

  • A Resolve to Believe
    Karen Loritts Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: James 4:7-10

    Karen Loritts had an unexpected crisis of fear. She describes how it affected her spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Read More

  • Steps of Humility
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: James 4:10

    If you have a struggle going on in your heart right now, would you wave the white flag of surrender? Read More

  • A War of Words
    Erin Davis   Topics: Words & The Tongue   Scripture: James 4:11

    God chooses not to referee every fight between His children. Instead, He warns us to cut off the conflict where it begins—with our words. Read More

  • Till We Weep
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: James 4:9

    Yes, comfort and joy are part of our inheritance in Christ. But first comes the mourning. Read More

  • Know God to Hear God
    Trillia Newbell   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: James 4:8

    God beckons us to come and commune with Him, and He is available to us through His Word and by His Spirit each and every day. Read More

  • Puffed Up
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: James 4:6

    People are drawn toward others who are humble just as God is drawn toward those who are humble. But He resists or stiff-arms the proud. Read More

  • Waving the White Flag
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: James 4:7

    Surrender to Christ as Savior and Lord is life changing. Read More

  • We Need to Be Broken
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: James 4:10

    In God’s economy, the way up is down. You and I will never meet God in revival until we first meet Him in brokenness. Read More

Chapter 5

  • To Tell the Truth
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: James 5:20

    If someone wanders from the truth, it’s the loving thing to go and say, “Let me help restore you.” Read More

  • An Odd Couple
    Erin Davis   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: James 5:16

    The book of James offers us a cluster of odd couples: Confession and prayer; healing and power; one anothers and one person. Read More

  • Pray with Great Power
    Lori Hatcher   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: James 5:16

    The prayers of a righteous person don’t just have power, they have great power. Read More

  • A Compassion that Sees
    Aylín Merck   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: James 5:11

    When someone is difficult to deal with, the compassion of Christ can help us ask: What suffering is behind that behavior? Read More

  • Pray for One Another
    Erin Davis   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: James 5:16

    Scripture is clear that the children of God are to pray for each other. Read More

  • A Compassion That Sees
    Aylín Merck   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: James 5:11

    Sometimes when we interact with difficult people, we only see how they are an obstacle to us. The life of Christ in us lets us see beyond ourselves. Read More

  • It’s All Connected
    Erin Davis   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: James 5:9

    God’s Word nudges us to endure suffering with quiet patience, like a farmer waiting to see evidence of his crop (James 5:8). Read More