• Come See a Man
    Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: John 4

    You can’t worship with a mask on. Learn to worship, not just with your mouth, but in spirit and in truth. Read More

  • Taking Off the Mask
    Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: John 4

    Is there an area of life you don't want anyone to know about? Jesus offers you freedom when you give Him those areas and get real with other people. Read More

  • Time Robbers
    Topics: Time Management & Health   Scripture: John 17:4

    How much of your time falls victim to “time robbers"? Today Nancy Leigh DeMoss defines what those might be and helps us recognize and remedy those things. Read More

  • The Greatest Gift
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Holidays, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: John 3:16

    The message of Christmas is God's gift to the world. Read More

  • Help for the Busy Woman
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Time Management & Health   Scripture: John 17:4

    Feeling overwhelmed? Learn to seek God for what He wants you to do. Read More

Chapter 1

  • The Goal of Our Days
    Laura Gonzalez de Chavez   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: John 1:16

    What should your goal be today? Be sustained by His grace and be guided by His Spirit. Read More

  • Sense of Entitlement
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Gratitude   Scripture: John 1:16

    Be careful where you place the bar for what you can and can’t live with or without. Read More

  • The Incarnation
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: John 1:14

    The incarnation—a doctrine that is vital to the Christian faith. Would you take a minute to thank the God who became flesh? Read More

  • The Encounter That Changes Everything
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: John 20:1-1:17

    Last month we celebrated the resurrection. Why is that event such a big deal? We know Jesus’ death was important, buy why the resurrection? Read More

  • Not Just a Book
    Dámaris Carbaugh   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: John 1:1

    The Bible is God speaking to us. It’s not just a book. Read More

  • Too Familiar?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 1:14

    Pause to consider just the first few hours of Christ’s visit to earth. Perhaps this momentary pondering will draw us back to the flame of grace. Read More

  • His Name Is The Word
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 1:1-4

    Do you ever wish God would speak to you, let you know what He thinks and give you direction? Nancy says God has done that. Read More

Chapter 2

  • Point to Jesus
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 2:5

    Mary used her influence to direct others to Jesus and to encourage them to obey and follow Him. Read More

  • Episode 2: The Angry Side of Jesus
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions, God & Truth   Scripture: Matthew 21:11-13, John 2:13-16

    What makes Jesus angry? And what does his pattern of anger teach us about our own tempers? Read More

  • A Faithful Girl Believes God Will Provide
    Topics: Women of the Bible, Young Women   Scripture: John 2:1-12

    If you’ve ever been camping, you know that you always end up needing something you didn’t pack. Our needs are great opportunities to practice faithfulness. Read More

Chapter 3

  • A Shocking Gift
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: John 3:16

    When God sent His Son to earth, we might have expected Him to arrive as a warrior. Instead, God sent Jesus as a fragile, tiny baby. Read More

  • Episode 7: You Can’t Wrap Him in Bubble Wrap
    Topics: Motherhood & Family   Scripture: John 3:30-36

    It’s time to dream of more than a safe life for your boy. Erin will help you see the calling God has placed on his life. Read More

  • An Opportunity to Exalt
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: John 3:30

    Every occasion I wish to insist on my own importance can become an opportunity to exalt Christ. Read More

  • The Greatest Gift
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Holidays, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: John 3:16

    The message of Christmas is God's gift to the world. Read More

  • Watch for God
    Barbara Reaoch   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 3:16

    We know our bright future is not just wishful thinking because God sent His Son to die on the cross for us. Read More

  • The Maker of Love
    Deborah Smith   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 3:16

    God loved, so He gave and He demonstrated. Read More

  • The Best Christmas Gift
    Barbara Reaoch   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: John 3:16

    What if this Christmas, we asked God to give us hearts to worship Jesus, Prince of Peace and King of history? Read More

Chapter 4

  • Jesus Cares for Women
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: John 4:1-42

    In Jesus’ day, like ours, there were societal problems like racism and sexism. Hear how a simple conversation Jesus had was radically counter-cultural. Read More

  • Thirst and Satisfaction
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: John 4:1-42

    No matter what you’ve done, there is hope for a fresh start. That’s something a thirsty woman discovered in Jesus’ day. And it’s something we need too. Read More

  • Worshiping in Spirit and in Truth
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: John 4:4-42

    Have you ever been so thirsty that you thought you were going to die? Our physical thirst is an analogy for the spiritual thirst we all experience. Read More

  • Come See a Man
    Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: John 4

    You can’t worship with a mask on. Learn to worship, not just with your mouth, but in spirit and in truth. Read More

  • Taking Off the Mask
    Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: John 4

    Is there an area of life you don't want anyone to know about? Jesus offers you freedom when you give Him those areas and get real with other people. Read More

  • The Woman at the Well
    Janet Parshall Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: John 4:1-45

    Deep down, everyone is thirsty. People try to quench the thirst in all kinds of ways. Janet Parshall tells of a woman whose thirst was truly satisfied. Read More

  • An Encounter with Living Water
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: John 4:7-45

    You are thirsty. There’s a deep craving in your soul, and only one thing can satisfy it. Erin Davis shows you the depth of your need and how to satisfy it. Read More

  • A Different Kind of Water
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity, Women of the Bible   Scripture: John 4:4-42

    I don’t know your default you turn to for satisfaction, but we all know that pull away from the only One who can truly satisfy us. Read More

  • Come to Jesus
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 4:4-42

    Would you rather drink from a fountain of stagnant, poisonous water or fresh, life-giving water? That’s the choice Jesus gave a woman in Samaria 2000 years ago. Read More

  • The Hole in Our Hearts
    Topics: God & Truth, Time Management & Health   Scripture: John 4:4-42

    Nancy reminds us that we’re all born with a hole in our heart that we’re always trying to fill. She gives us the only possible key to filling that hole. Read More

  • A Deeper Thirst
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity, Women of the Bible   Scripture: John 4:4-42

    Nancy shares the transformative power of the gospel, as seen in the lives of two specific women. Read More

  • God’s Provision
    Topics: God & Truth, Womanhood   Scripture: John 4:4-42

    Betsy helps us travel her own journey with her to find the source of true satisfaction. Read More

  • Satisfied in Christ
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 4:13-14

    The saving grace of Jesus is an inexhaustible source from which we can drink into eternity. Read More

  • You Can Be Free From Guilt
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: John 4:4-42

    Our guilt from past sins can feel like a heavy burden we have to carry. But Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Andrea Griffith show us how to be free from that weight. Read More

Chapter 5

  • The Reason Why
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: John 5:37-38

    The purpose of getting into God’s Word is to meet Jesus. He is the Word! Read More

  • Silent Yet Sovereign
    Laura Booz   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 5:17

    Esther teaches us that God is often—even today—invisible yet involved, hidden yet here, silent yet sovereign. Read More

  • Dependent on the Father
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 5:19

    One of the things that strikes me the most about Jesus is His dependence on His Father. Read More

Chapter 6

  • The Nourishment of His Word
    Laura Gonzalez de Chavez   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 6:35

    A regular intake of God’s Word transforms our understanding and guides us through life toward His perfect will. Read More

  • Hungry for His Word
    Patricia Saladin   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: John 6:35

    May the Word of Christ dwell in us abundantly. It is our food in affliction. Read More

  • He Is the Bread of Life
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 6:22-59

    Imagine hearing someone say, “Eat my bread and live forever!” One person did say that. A lot of people heard it as an outrageous claim. Read More

  • An Invitation
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: John 6:9

    When Jesus shows me a need that’s overwhelming, it’s often His invitation to participate in a miracle. Read More

  • Spiritual Nourishment
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: John 6:35

    God’s Spirit is feeding you the bread of heaven, and it will nourish you in ways you don’t now know. Read More

  • The Bread of Life
    Erin Davis   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 6:35

    Jesus is the Bread of Life. He satisfies our cravings in a way nothing else ever can. Read More

Chapter 8

  • Giving Clarity
    Kelly Needham   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: John 8:32

    Without a consistent dose of the Word, a stressful situation can feel confusing and overwhelming. Read More

  • He Is the Light of the World
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 8:12

    “I am the Light of the World.” When Jesus made this claim, it wasn’t just a simple metaphor. To His original hearers, this would have been a big deal. Read More

  • Satan’s Strategy
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: The Enemy   Scripture: John 8:44

    Deception was—and still is—crucial to Satan’s strategy. Read More

  • Christmas Light
    Barbara Reaoch   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: John 8:12

    What if this Christmas we asked God to use our hands, feet, voices, minds, and hearts to help our neighbors enjoy the true beauty of Christmas? Read More

  • What Do You Dwell On?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 8:32

    There’s power when we start hearing, dwelling on, and believing the Truth. Read More

  • Your Price Tag
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 8:32

    What distorted views of yourself have you believed? How can you be set free by the truth of the cross? Read More

  • Fuel for a Living Relationship
    Kelly Needham   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: John 8:47

    The Bible is vocabulary in our relationship with God. We read our Bibles with the goal to commune with God. Read More

  • Are You His Disciple?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 8:31

    The proof that you are His is if you hunger for His Word, if you eat it every day, and if you let yourself be governed by it. Read More

  • The Ultimate Escape
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: John 8:36

    Did you know that as a Christ-follower, you’ve succeeded in accomplishing the ultimate escape? Read More

  • A Sinful Woman's Encounter with Grace
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity, Women of the Bible   Scripture: John 8:1-11

    The Bible tells the story of a woman called “adulterous woman.” What a label. Erin Davis talks about the labels we wear, and about her encounter with Jesus. Read More

  • True Freedom
    Deborah Smith   Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: John 8:36

    Before the Lord called us out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Pet. 2:9), we were slaves to sin. Sin was our master! Read More

  • One Truth
    Laura Gonzalez de Chavez   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: John 8:32

    The truth of the Word of God is the only one that has the power to truly set us free. Read More

Chapter 10

  • Not Until We’re Broken
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: John 10:18

    Not until we are broken can we begin to experience the free flow of the power of His Spirit in and through our lives. Read More

  • A Life of Rest
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: John 10:10

    Unbelief, disobedience, and rebellion will keep us from experiencing the rest and abundant life God has for us. Read More

  • Living in Bondage
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: John 10:10

    Many live under a cloud of personal guilt and condemnation. They’re not free to enjoy the grace and love of God. Read More

  • Take a Bow
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: John 10:7

    Just as Christ’s surrender took Him to a cross, so ours will take us to the cross as well. Read More

  • Jesus Is Better
    Erin Davis   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: John 10:10

    God desires that our walk with Him be life-giving. When we live as “do better” Christians, we miss out on the joy and peace God loves to give His children. Read More

Chapter 11

  • Crying for Others
    Dannah Gresh   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 11:35

    Scripture reminds us that the condition of Jesus' heart was compassion and focus on others. Read More

  • What Do We Have to Fear?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: John 11:25

    If Jesus is the resurrection and the life—and He is—what do we have to fear? Read More

  • The Answer to Death
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Grief & Death   Scripture: John 11:25

    There’s no physical life apart from God, and there’s no spiritual life apart from Jesus. Read More

  • Do You Believe This?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Grief & Death   Scripture: John 11:25

    Facing death is hard. The pain is unavoidable, but so is the peace of knowing that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Read More

  • He Is the Resurrection and the Life
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 11:17-27

    The resurrection is not just an event, it is that, but more than that, it is a Person. “I am the Resurrection and the Life.” Read More

Chapter 12

  • Give It Up
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: John 12:25

    Jesus was willing to be crushed, to die, so that through His death, eternal life could be released for us. Read More

  • Episode 3: Time Is Short
    Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: John 12:1-36

    Jesus modeled some important truths about time and eternity. When you learn these truths as well, it will have a big effect on your day to day life. Read More

  • Death Brings Life
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth, Missional Living   Scripture: John 12:24

    True Christian community is something few believers ever experience because it requires that each individual let go of “self.” Read More

  • Jesus Adored
    Bob Bakke Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 12:1-7

    A lot of us equate “worship” with “singing.” But the gospel of John tells us about a woman who worshipped Jesus through an extravagant gift. Read More

Chapter 13

  • Let It Go
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: John 13:7

    As You have forgiven me, I choose to forgive each person who has sinned against me. Read More

  • A Picture of Jesus
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 13:34

    In 1 Corinthians 13, the apostle Paul lists several characteristics of what true love looks like. Read More

  • An Example of Love
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 13:1

    Scripture tells us that kind of love ought to be the supreme mark of the people of God. That’s how people will know that we belong to Him. Read More

  • Loving Someone in Their Mess
    Colleen Chao   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 13:34

    Because we will wrestle deeply with sin until we see Jesus, our relationships will also be impacted by sin. Read More

  • A Lack of Love
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: John 13:34

    There are those who are reading this today who need to confess a lack of love that broke up a friendship. Read More

Chapter 14

  • The Real Message
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: John 14:27

    In your current situation, turn to the only One who can provide true peace. Read More

  • The Holy Spirit
    Kelly Needham   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 14:6

    Being a Christian isn’t about one moment of salvation but a lifetime of being saved by Jesus out of one pit after the other. Read More

  • Staying Committed to an Unbeliever
    Topics: Marriage & Dating   Scripture: John 14:13-14

    You love your husband, but what do you do when your husband doesn’t love God? Read More

  • A Preview of Heaven
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hospitality & Home   Scripture: John 14:2

    When we cultivate homes where others can grow and be nurtured, where they feel loved and cared for, we put the heart and character of God on display. Read More

  • Raised to Life
    Portia Collins   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: John 14:3

    We can hold firmly to the promise of resurrection because we know that Christ has risen from the grave before us. Read More

  • He Is The Truth
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 14:6

    When a piano tuner adjusts your piano, he uses a tuning fork. Nancy explains why tuning to an objective standard is important. It matters in music and life. Read More

  • A Taste of Heaven
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hospitality & Home   Scripture: John 14:2

    What can you do in your home to create an environment that helps your family and visitors to get a taste of heaven? Read More

Chapter 15

  • A Loving Heart
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Marriage & Dating   Scripture: John 15:12-13

    Love never fails. Read More

  • Real Love
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 15:13

    Real love, agape love, is a God quality. We must have God in our lives to have this kind of love. Read More

  • Bearing Fruit
    Kimberly Wagner   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 15:8

    I challenge you to consider your season of life as the mission field in which God has placed you. It is not too late to begin bearing fruit for the harvest. Read More

  • Unite Your Heart with His
    Kimberly Wagner   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 15:7

    Jesus extends a beautiful invitation in John 15:7, the opportunity to unite our hearts in prayer with the Almighty. Read More

  • Joy Completed
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 15:11

    Need joy? Then receive love. Tell yourself the truth: Jesus delights in you (Prov. 8:31). Read More

  • Abide in Christ
    Kim Cash Tate   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 15:4

    By God’s grace, we can choose intimacy with Him daily, and it begins simply with getting to know Him. Read More

  • Fighting the Sticky Emotions
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: John 15:1-11

    If you’re ever tempted to believe God could never use you, Dannah Gresh helps you combat that lie with the truth of God's Word. Read More

  • Expect and Accept Pruning
    Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: John 15:1-11

    Think about how you’d like to grow in your walk with the Lord this year. What kind of fruit do you want to bear? Read More

Chapter 16

  • God’s Perspective
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: John 16:33

    We have a redeeming God who is in the process of making all things new. Read More

Chapter 17

  • The Most Important Relationship
    Laura Gonzalez de Chavez   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: John 17:3

    There is no earthly relationship that compares to daily communion with your heavenly Father. Read More

  • Time Robbers
    Topics: Time Management & Health   Scripture: John 17:4

    How much of your time falls victim to “time robbers"? Today Nancy Leigh DeMoss defines what those might be and helps us recognize and remedy those things. Read More

  • The Source of Truth
    Erin Davis   Topics: Discernment   Scripture: John 17:17

    Rather than searching for truth within ourselves or running first to others, we need to turn toward the Word of God as the ultimate source of Truth. Read More

  • The Dangers of Ignorance
    Kelly Needham   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: John 17:17

    Ignorance of the whole of God’s Word makes us easy targets in the war Satan has waged against God. Read More

  • Help for the Busy Woman
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Time Management & Health   Scripture: John 17:4

    Feeling overwhelmed? Learn to seek God for what He wants you to do. Read More

  • A Brave Woman
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: John 17:1

    Whether you’re a man or a woman ultimately tells a bigger story than your personal narrative. It’s not about you— it’s about the glory of God. Read More

  • An Example of Holiness
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: John 17:19

    Jesus chose the pathway of holiness for our sake, so we could be made holy. Are you doing the same thing? Remember, other people are watching. Read More

  • For Their Sake
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: John 17:19

    Why must you be willing to say no to your flesh and yes to God? Because of the price Jesus paid to make you holy. Read More

Chapter 18

  • The Easter Story (Max McLean)
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: John 18-21

    Nancy encourages you to just listen to God’s Word and let the Easter story wash over you. Max McLean makes the story come alive from the book of John. Read More

Chapter 19

  • Dying Thirst, Living Water: The Word of Agony
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 19:28-30

    "I thirst." It sounds like a simple request. But when Jesus uttered these words on the cross, it was a profound statement. Read More

  • Follow to the Cross
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: John 19:25

    Although the life of Jesus’ mother didn’t unfold the way she thought it would, it far exceeded her expectations. Read More

  • Family Connections: The Word of Devotion
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 19:23-27

    As Jesus suffered on the cross, He took time for a very practical matter. He made provision for a widow who was about to lose her firstborn son. Read More

  • Mary's Witness to the Gospel
    Topics: Holidays, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: John 19:25-27

    Mary’s story doesn’t end at the stable. We’re about to look at a suffering and risen Savior through the eyes of a mom. Read More

  • The Word of Devotion
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 19:26-27

    You can be assured that through Christ, your needs will be fully met. Through His people, you will never lack for true “family.” Read More

  • The Word of Agony
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 19:28

    God doesn’t get thirsty. For our Savior to utter these words from the cross can only mean that He was indeed fully man as well as fully God. Read More

  • The Word of Triumph
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 19:30

    Jesus' cry of victory is now ours, as final today as when it first resounded atop Calvary. We, too, are free, for “it is finished!” Read More

  • It Is Finished
    Yamell Jaramillo   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: John 19:30

    When we consider Jesus’ last words on the cross, we find something remarkable. Read More

  • It Is Finished!
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: John 19:30

    We are free, for “it is finished!” Read More

  • Nailing the Finish: The Word of Triumph
    Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: John 19:28-30

    What was the single greatest word ever uttered in the history of mankind? Nancy says that word was proclaimed by Jesus on the cross. Read More

Chapter 20

  • An Encounter with Jesus
    Janet Parshall Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: John 20:11-18

    Who was Mary Magdalene? The popular picture of her is influenced by a lot of conjecture and legend. Janet Parshall helps us accurately get to know her. Read More

  • The Encounter That Changes Everything
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: John 20:1-1:17

    Last month we celebrated the resurrection. Why is that event such a big deal? We know Jesus’ death was important, buy why the resurrection? Read More

Chapter 21

  • The Easter Story (Max McLean)
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: John 18-21

    Nancy encourages you to just listen to God’s Word and let the Easter story wash over you. Max McLean makes the story come alive from the book of John. Read More

  • Episode 3: Breakfast on the Beach
    Topics: Church & Worship, Time Management & Health   Scripture: John 21:3-14

    Food is a gift. Even Jesus cooked for His disciples. Erin explains the significance of that story in John 21 and how it shows that God cares for you. Read More

  • Loving God Over Everyone Else
    Topics: News & Updates   Scripture: John 21:1-14

    Nancy has been serving in ministry as a single woman. But she has an announcement. Hear her big news and get to know a very important person in her life. Read More