Chapter 1

  • Promised Joy
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Luke 1:14

    There is another type of joy that is not yet fully experienced . . . joy in the future fulfillment of God’s promises. Read More

  • Humility Is Glorious
    Kelly Needham   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:31

    Jesus didn’t consider His deity a thing to be asserted over us but rather emptied Himself, choosing to come as a servant in our likeness (Phil. 2:6–7). Read More

  • Word in, Word Out
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 1:46-47

    We must saturate our hearts and minds in Scripture. We must know it, live it, breathe it, speak it. We must be lifelong people of His Word. Read More

  • Why Me?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:48

    Having a relationship with the God of heaven makes any life extraordinary. Read More

  • Yes, Lord
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Luke 1:38

    Total surrender to Christ as Lord means submitting every detail of our lives to His loving rule. Read More

  • Scene Two: Mary
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:5-56

    How would you respond if you found out you were going to be the mother of the Messiah, but it would come at the cost of your reputation? Read More

  • Scene One: Elizabeth
    Topics: Surrender, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:5-56

    Nancy shares about two individuals in the New Testament who could never have predicted the way things worked out but were used by God in amazing ways. Read More

  • What’s So Great About It?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Luke 1:49

    Our redemption has already been accomplished, but our experience of it isn’t complete. Read More

  • Christmas Visit
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Luke 1:68

    We tend think of visiting as a brief, light- hearted, and pleasant few days of company. But when God comes to visit, He means business. Read More

  • The Baby in the Manger
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Luke 1:69

    No one and nothing in this whole world can defeat Him—this tiny baby in the manger. Read More

  • A Kinsman-Redeemer
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 1:68

    Jesus paid the price to save us from our sin. God’s promised redemption was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Read More

  • The Birth of the Savior, Christ the Lord
    Topics: God & Truth, Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:1-2:38

    It’s a story that never gets old. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reads from the New Testament accounts of the birth of Jesus. Read More

  • Higher Definition
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 1:71

    The whole concept of salvation implies being saved from something. It means being saved from an enemy that threatens to destroy us. Read More

  • It’s All Him
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Missional Living   Scripture: Luke 1:66

    The heart attitude of those God has used throughout history to make Jesus known to our world. Read More

  • A Remarkable Ending
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Luke 1:43

    When it comes to our disappointments, Christ has already written the ending. A day is coming when He will return for us. Read More

  • A Legacy of “Yes”!
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 1:6

    A life of obedience to God when it’s not as difficult is the best preparation for a life of obedience when the real challenges come. Read More

  • Say Yes!
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender, Womanhood   Scripture: Luke 1:38

    God wants you to be so much more than what the world upholds as the ideal. He wants you to be a true woman. Read More

  • Because of Grace
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Luke 1:28-29

    The moment we cease to see ourselves as undeserving instruments, chances are we will cease to be useful in the hand of God. Read More

  • The Incredible Visit
    Topics: God & Truth, Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:67-80

    Revival is a fresh realization of His presence, His reign in our lives. Read More

  • A Servant of the Lord
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Luke 1:46-48

    Mary was willing to give up her own plans and agenda so that she might link arms with God in fulfilling His agenda. Read More

  • An Available Life
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Luke 1:38

    Mary’s cry of surrender in Luke 1:38 ought to be the heart-cry of every child of God. Read More

  • A Channel of Blessing to Others
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Gratitude   Scripture: Luke 1:39-40

    As you face disappointments, you have a choice. Read More

  • Taking God at His Word
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Luke 1:45

    When the angel appeared to Mary with a message from God, she took God at His word. She exercised faith in His ability to fulfill His promise. Read More

  • Mary's Example, Day 2
    Topics: Womanhood, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

    Dr. Russell Moore says there's a right kind of submission and a wrong one. In our day, many people are submitting to the wrong thing, causing huge problems. Read More

  • Mary's Example, Day 1
    Topics: Womanhood, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

    What can you learn from Mary, the mother of Jesus? Dr. Russell Moore will show you how much Mary's life says to women in the twenty-first century. Read More

  • Zechariah's Hymn, Day 10
    Topics: Holidays, Revival   Scripture: Luke 1:67-79

    When Jesus came to this earth as a baby, humankind wasn’t ready for Him. Read More

  • Zechariah's Hymn, Day 9
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:67-79

    If you had a job requiring good eyesight, would you rather work under dim Christmas lights or the strong light of the sun? Read More

  • Your Kingdom Come
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Luke 1:13

    Before we pray for anything else, Jesus taught us to pray that God’s name will be glorified. Read More

  • Zechariah’s Hymn, Day 8
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:67-79

    God is powerful and awesome, but He is also as tender and compassionate as a mother with her baby. Read More

  • Zechariah’s Hymn, Day 7
    Topics: Holidays, Salvation & My New Identity, Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Luke 1:67-79

    Sin isn’t a very popular subject. People don’t mind talking about bad habits or lacking purpose in life. Read More

  • Zechariah’s Hymn, Day 6
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:67-79

    The birth of Christ is the fulfillment of a promise made centuries before Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem. Read More

  • Zechariah’s Hymn, Day 5
    Topics: Holidays, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 1:67-79

    We use the term “saved” so much that it’s become cliché. If someone were about to drown, the idea of being saved would take on a whole new meaning. Read More

  • Zechariah’s Hymn, Day 4
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:67-79

    A baby is a picture of dependence and helplessness. Jesus, though, on the first Christmas was a mighty warrior, invading a dark world. Read More

  • Zechariah’s Hymn, Day 3
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:67-79

    Which of our holidays is all about redemption? If you said “Easter” you’d be right, but don’t forget about Christmas. Read More

  • Zechariah’s Hymn, Day 2
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:67-79

    If God showed up at your door, would you be happy to see Him? Your response would have a lot to do with how you’d been living. Read More

  • Zechariah’s Hymn, Day 1
    Topics: Christian Growth, Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:13-79

    It’s the season of malls, commercials, traffic, rehearsals, and parties. Do you ever find yourself just wishing for the gift of silence? Read More

  • Where the Song Comes From
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Words & The Tongue   Scripture: Luke 1:41-42

    Too often, we speak before we’re consciously aware of the Holy Spirit’s direction and discernment about what to say. Read More

  • Outward and Upward
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Luke 1:43

    When you begin to desire more from your life than merely personal blessings, God will open doors of ministry to others. Read More

  • Strengthened Through Singing
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:46-80

    Can you recall a time when God used a friend to strengthen your faith during hard times? Nancy talks about two women who encouraged each other. Read More

  • When You Feel Alone
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:39-45

    When you feel alone and discouraged, you don’t have to be resigned to stay that way. You can reach out to a sister in Christ. Read More

  • Praise Is Due
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:44

    Skipping, leaping—that’s what Mary’s arrival made Elizabeth’s yet unborn son, John the Baptist, feel like doing. Read More

  • Interrupted by an Angel
    Topics: Hope & Encouragement, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:5-25

    Zechariah had a once in a lifetime opportunity to minister in the Jewish temple. It was a high honor. But an angel turned his expectations upside down. Read More

  • The Long Road of Hope
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Luke 1:25

    Elizabeth held on to the hope that God would come through in every heartache. Will we follow her example and hold on to hope? Read More

  • A Habit of Surrender
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Holidays, Surrender   Scripture: Luke 1:38

    For Mary that first Christmas, nothing was turning out “right.” Read More

  • 400 Years of Silence Broken
    Topics: Suffering & Trials, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:5-25

    Everybody knows what it’s like to deal with disappointment. How can you take your delayed hopes and dreams and turn them over to God to use for His glory? Read More

  • Mary's Secret to Embracing Life-Shaking Circumstances
    Janet Parshall Topics: Surrender, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:26-33

    Have you ever wondered what enabled Mary to respond to the angel Gabriel’s life-changing news with such humility, submissiveness, and obedience? Read More

  • Unexpected Blessing
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Luke 1:45

    No matter what we’re called to endure as Christians, we have all we need . . . because we have Jesus. Read More

  • God’s Interruptions
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Holidays, Surrender   Scripture: Luke 1:28

    Like Mary, I want to cultivate a heart of surrender that says, “I am the Lord’s servant . . . May it happen to me as you have said.” Read More

  • This Year and Every Year
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth, Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:50

    The unchangeable aspect of God’s nature is something we need to be reminded of frequently. Read More

  • A Young Girl with a Big Assignment
    Topics: Holidays, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:1-56

    Set aside Christmas decorations, carols, and cards. Get fresh perspective on a poor young girl tasked with a gigantic assignment. Janet Parshall shares today. Read More

  • Mary’s Beautiful Surrender
    Topics: Holidays, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:1-56

    When you’re young, you plan and dream of the future. It’s disappointing when those plans change. Hear from Janet Parshall today. Read More

  • The Real Christmas Story
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:1-2:52

    On Christmas Day, focus on what really matters. Max McLean will help you hear the amazing Christmas story in a dramatic way. Read More

  • Hungry Yet?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Luke 1:53

    Mary revealed her heart’s true hunger in how she responded to the angel Gabriel’s message. Read More

  • The Final Chapter
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Luke 1:80

    God had a plan for Elizabeth, and He has a plan for you. Read More

  • God’s Faithfulness, Now and Forever
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Luke 1:54-55

    The forerunner of the Messiah was coming. The Christ child, prophesied of old, would be born as a baby. Read More

  • Train Up a Child
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth, Young Women   Scripture: Luke 1:76

    Every child needs to be told that God put him or her on this earth for a reason, with a role to play, and with a calling to a God-honoring way of living. Read More

  • Mary Was a Humble Woman
    Topics: Christian Growth, Holidays, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:45-48

    If you have kids on Christmas break this week, you may know what it’s like to have your plans challenged and your wisdom called into question. Read More

  • Overshadow Me
    Topics: Holidays, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:26-34

    Mary of Nazareth did something extraordinary: she carried God Incarnate on a long journey to give birth in a stable. Read More

  • Mary's Song
    Topics: Holidays, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:38-55

    The Christmas season is a great time to worship. In fact, worship accompanied the very first Christmas. Read More

  • Elizabeth - Week 6: Elizabeth's Song
    Topics: Christian Growth, Depression & Suicide, Holidays, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 1:41-44

    Elizabeth’s story shows us how to do more than simply endure disappointment. She shows us how to sing through it. Read More

  • A Season of Praise
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:36-41

    We love to sing during the Christmas season. It’s not just a recent tradition. Songs were part of the very first Christmas. Read More

  • Night and Day
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Luke 1:78-79

    As with the sunrise that happens each morning, the darkness dissipates gradually. Read More

  • What Is Faithfulness?
    Topics: Young Women   Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

    Learn how to become a girl of faithfulness as you study the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus!! And hey, we’re going camping so grab your hiking boots! Read More

  • How Does a Faithful Girl Tackle Tough Days?
    Topics: Words & The Tongue, Young Women   Scripture: Luke 1:36-45

    Ever wake up on the wrong side of the . . . camping tent? Staci Rudolph has. Dannah Gresh has some advice for how to respond to tough days. Read More

  • Saying "Yes, Lord"
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Luke 1:38

    God may have other surprises in store for you. When those surprises come, will you trust Him enough to say, “Yes, Lord”? Read More

  • Never Impossible
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Luke 1:37

    Before her name was written in Scripture before Christmas became somehow easy for us to believe Mary believed. She believed the impossible. Read More

  • Carry the Light
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 1:31

    There is a sense in which God has chosen all of us for a similar task as Mary of Nazareth— to bring forth spiritual life. Read More

Chapter 2

  • The Wonder of Christmas
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:1-40

    This Christmas weekend snuggle up next to the fire or sit under the light of the Christmas tree for a special Christmas present. Read More

  • Expecting the Unsuspected
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Luke 2:11

    God had His own way of making the announcement of the Savior's birth. Read More

  • The Cornerstone
    Topics: Holidays, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 2:21-35

    When you hear about Jesus Christ, are you still amazed and in awe at what God has done in sending Him? Read More

  • Now That I've Held Him in My Arms
    Topics: Holidays, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 2:21-35

    There’s a difference between knowing theories about God and actually meeting Him. A biblical character discovered that around the time of the first Christmas. Read More

  • A Christmas Psalm
    Topics: Holidays, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 2:21-35

    What’s your favorite Christmas song? Nancy will tell you about one of the first Christmas songs, written while Jesus was still a baby. Read More

  • Moved by the Spirit
    Topics: God & Truth, Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:21-35

    The Christmas spirit. Is there really such a thing? Maybe not. But the Holy Spirit was fully involved in the Christmas story. Explore His role. Read More

  • Longing Fulfilled
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:21-35

    If you’ve spent any time around children, you know that waiting can be hard for them. But let's be honest: It can be hard for you and me, too. Read More

  • Waiting for Consolation
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:21-35

    Has anyone known just what to say to make you feel better when you have felt emotionally low? The gift of consolation is rare. Read More

  • A Legacy of Dedication
    Topics: Holidays, Motherhood & Family   Scripture: Luke 2:21-35

    At some point, all parents need to hand control of their children over to God. But that doesn’t mean they don’t continue loving and training them. Read More

  • The Birth of the Savior, Christ the Lord
    Topics: God & Truth, Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:1-2:38

    It’s a story that never gets old. Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth reads from the New Testament accounts of the birth of Jesus. Read More

  • Good News for All
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:10

    The song of the angel is good news that eclipses and overshadows whatever else is happening in your life right now. Read More

  • A Very Special Baby Dedication
    Topics: Holidays, Motherhood & Family   Scripture: Luke 2:21-35

    A lot of churches conduct baby dedications in which parents present their children to the Lord. Read More

  • Purification
    Topics: Holidays, Motherhood & Family   Scripture: Luke 2:21-35

    After Mary gave birth to Jesus, she went to the temple to present a sacrifice. Read More

  • The Humility of Christ
    Topics: God & Truth, Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:21-35

    Christmas is all about humility. Find out why. Read More

  • Fully Human, Fully God
    Topics: God & Truth, Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:21-38

    The word Jesus is everywhere. Have you ever slowed down to consider who He is? Read More

  • What’s Obedience Got to Do with It?
    Topics: Women of the Bible, Young Women   Scripture: Luke 2:1-21

    Have you ever done the right thing but not as soon as you were supposed to do it? Staci Rudolph is experiencing the same kind of thing. Read More

  • The Gift of Godly Experience
    Topics: Holidays, Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring   Scripture: Luke 2:36-38

    Who influenced you to become more godly? Are you becoming the kind of person who will influence others in the same way? You can. Read More

  • How to Be Faithful When You’re Bored!
    Topics: Women of the Bible, Young Women   Scripture: Luke 2:25-38

    If you’ve ever felt like your days are just repeating themselves, then this episode is for you. Read More

  • An End to the Waiting
    Topics: Christian Growth, Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:36-38

    Nancy takes a look at the life of a godly woman whose waiting was intense—more intense than most of the kids ripping paper away from gift boxes. Read More

  • A God-Centered Life
    Topics: Aging, Holidays, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 2:36-38

    One of the characters in the biblical Christmas story is a great example of aging well. Learn how she grew in beauty as she got older. Read More

  • Night and Day
    Topics: Holidays, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 2:36-38

    What’s filling your heart on this Christmas Eve? Is it busyness? Christmas parties? Shopping? Learn to keep the right thing at the center. Read More

  • The Gracious Woman
    Topics: Aging, Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:36-38

    If you’re a younger woman, you need to solicit and listen to the wisdom of older women. If you’re an older woman, God isn’t done using you. Read More

  • Privilege and Pain
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Motherhood & Family   Scripture: Luke 2:35

    Pray for the mothers you know to rely on God’s grace as they parent and that they would find hope in the challenges they face. Read More

  • The Gracious Woman
    Topics: Aging, Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2

    God places great value on the wisdom that can come with age when one has been following Christ and practicing His principles. Read More

  • Who's the True Ruler?
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:1-21

    When Jesus was born, Caesar Augustus was considered the most powerful person on the planet. But Nancy will show you why he was just a pawn in God’s plan. Read More

  • Sensing the Glory
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:1-21

    Out of all the people in the world, why did God send His good news of great joy to shepherds? Nancy has some fascinating ideas about why God may have done that. Read More

  • Gloria in Excelsis Deo
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:1-21

    When Jesus was born, a grand worship service broke out. The focus of that worship experience was where it should be—giving glory to God in the highest. Read More

  • Anna's Encounter with Divinity
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 2:22-38

    Some people have visible ministries, but many serve quietly, behind the scenes. Erin Davis tells about such a woman who had an encounter with Jesus. Read More

  • Anna: Serving God in Your Season of Life
    Topics: Holidays, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 2:36-38

    Our culture worships youth, putting on the pressure to look and act young. But a character in the Christmas story provides a refreshing alternative. Read More

  • Ever Increasing: The Youth of Christ
    Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Luke 2:41-49

    How do you impart wisdom to a teenager? Nancy will show you how by looking at the life of Jesus. Explore what we know about the adolescence of Christ. Read More

  • Our Father's Business
    Deborah Smith   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 2:49

    As Christians, we don’t want to be about our Father’s business without seeking our Father’s will. Read More

  • Christmas Joy
    Barbara Reaoch   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:10-11

    True Christmas joy comes as we give our lives to Jesus. Read More

  • Glory to God in the Highest
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:8-9

    Jesus is the complete and final sacrificial Lamb who was born to save His people from the slavery of sin. Read More

  • The Real Christmas Story
    Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 1:1-2:52

    On Christmas Day, focus on what really matters. Max McLean will help you hear the amazing Christmas story in a dramatic way. Read More

  • A Place in Our Hearts
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 2:7

    During the holidays, the celebrations will pass, but our time of intimacy with the Lord will bring results for eternity. Read More

  • A Life of Belief
    Topics: Holidays, Surrender, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 2:35-45

    Christmas is all about surrender. It's about the surrender of the Son to obey the perfect will of the Father and enter human history. Read More

Chapter 5

  • God Alone
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Luke 5:21

    Who can forgive sins but God alone? No one. This is important to remember, especially when you say “I just can’t forgive myself.” Read More

  • Have You Abandoned Your Boat?
    Priscilla Shirer Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Luke 5:1-11

    Priscilla Shirer will show you the incredible things Jesus can do with the discarded, failed pieces of your life. Read More

  • Jesus’ Number One Priority
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Time Management & Health   Scripture: Luke 5:16

    Unlike Jesus, we attempt to live life in our own energy. We think we can keep giving out without getting replenished. Read More

Chapter 7

  • Go in Peace
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 7:36-50

    “I just can’t forgive myself.” Have you ever heard someone say that? It means they feel ashamed of their sins. The Bible does have a true solution to shame. Read More

  • Forgiveness
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 7:36-50

    Just look around and see people everywhere desperate for love. That theme is in our movies, songs, and advertisements. You can know 100% that you are loved. Read More

  • The Parable
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 7:36-50

    A woman not allowed in polite society wept at Jesus feet, washing his feet with her tears. Are we like that? Or more like the Pharisee who condemned her? Read More

  • The Woman
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 7:36-50

    The gospel tells us of a woman who wept at the feet of Jesus. Her example inspires Nancy to ask, when is the last time she’s wept to the Lord? Read More

  • The Pharisee
    Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Luke 7:36-50

    We read that Jesus went to dinner with Pharisees. And when He did, those Pharisees would criticize Jesus and try to trap Him. Why did He keep accepting? Read More

  • An Encounter with Compassion
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 7:11-17

    When someone’s hurting, we have a tendency to show sympathy. Erin Davis says there’s something better than sympathy. Read More

  • Broken People
    Topics: Brokenness & Pride, Revival   Scripture: Luke 7:38-47

    The idea of something being broken is usually a bad thing. However, when it comes to your spiritual life, brokenness isn’t a nuisance; it’s necessary. Read More

  • Divine Visitation
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Holidays   Scripture: Luke 7:16

    The theme of divine visitation runs throughout both Old and New Testaments. Read More

Chapter 8

  • Let It Shine
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 8:16

    All of us enter this world with darkened hearts and minds. As Christians, we’re the ones who have a lamp of understanding. Read More

  • Grounded in God's Word
    Chris Brooks Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 8:4-15

    Chris Brooks takes us to the parable of the sower and the soils to help us take a closer look at how receptive we are to God's Word. Read More

  • Letting God Set Your Priorities
    Topics: Money & Giving, Time Management & Health   Scripture: Luke 8:4-15

    Can you trust God in a shaky economy? The life of Arthur DeMoss says, yes, you can. Hear about some of the tough financial decisions he made Read More

  • An Encounter with Power
    Topics: Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 8:40-56

    Is there an area of your life that makes you desperate? Erin Davis reminds you that situation is a very good thing because it can drive you to Jesus. Read More

  • Corrective Lenses
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 8:4-10

    Pastor Chris Brooks compares the Word of God to corrective lenses that help us see ourselves and the world around us more accurately. Read More

  • Four Kinds of Hearts
    Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 8:4-10

    Jesus compared different ways of responding to the Word of God with different kinds of soil. Pastor Chris Brooks helps us understand. Read More

  • Becoming a Gospel Patron
    Topics: Missional Living   Scripture: Luke 8:1-3

    The biblical writer Luke tells us about a group of women who traveled with Jesus. Why would they give generously so Jesus could travel, teach, and heal? Read More

  • Giving Like God Has Given to You
    Topics: Missional Living   Scripture: Luke 8:1-3

    Women helping meet the needs of Jesus' ministry would have been radical. Explore why these women would reject social norms to give generously to Jesus. Read More

  • No Service Too Small
    Elba de Reyes   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 8:1-2

    Ask the Lord where He wants you and what He has trained you to do. Read More

Chapter 9

  • An Unexpected Death
    Kelly Needham   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 9:23

    I had been following Jesus for many years when I got married. But my aversion to dying to self would have convinced you I’d just begun. Read More

  • Simple Gifts
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 9:16

    Is Jesus pressing you to consider the physical, emotional, or spiritual hunger in a person or a group? Read More

  • Let His Love Overflow
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 9:23

    If we want to love with Christ’s love, we first need to realize that kind of love doesn’t come naturally to us. Read More

  • An Invitation to Die
    Kelly Needham   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Luke 9:24

    The invitation to die to self is truly an invitation to newness of life, to union with Christ, and to ultimate freedom from sin. Read More

Chapter 10

  • A Powerful Distractor
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: Womanhood   Scripture: Luke 10:40

    Let us come to Jesus instead and listen to His Word because that is the only way we will overcome the lies. Read More

  • Alone with God
    Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization, Revival   Scripture: Luke 10:38-42

    One of the most important decisions you’ll ever make is to consistently spend time in God’s Word and in prayer. Read More

  • At Jesus’ Feet
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Luke 10:39

    Instead of being preoccupied with much serving or doing like Martha, come to Jesus like Mary, and be fed by His Word. Read More

  • A Daily Choice
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Luke 10:42

    Not until we make pursuing Jesus our highest priority will we begin to fulfill the purpose for which He created us. Nothing is more important. Read More

  • Learning from the Good Samaritan
    Topics: Hospitality & Home   Scripture: Luke 10:25-36

    Amanda Kassian shares four important lessons we can learn from the Good Samaritan that shape gospel-centered hospitality. Read More

  • Our Top Priority
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: Luke 10:42

    If you make it a priority to spend what moments you can with Him, He will bless and multiply that time. Read More

  • One Thing
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Fear, Anxiety & Emotions   Scripture: Luke 10:42

    Your many earthly and temporary distractions are blinding you— preventing you from seeing what is eternally yours. Read More

  • A Tale of Two Sisters
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 10:40

    If we want to adorn the doctrine and gospel of Christ and His beauty to the world, we need a different kind of heart. A kind kind of heart. Read More

  • A Powerful Distractor
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: Hospitality & Home   Scripture: Luke 10:40

    Have you let serving God distract you from sitting at Jesus’ feet? Evaluate where you’re serving to see if you need to make any changes. Read More

  • An Encounter with Friendship
    Topics: Relationships, Friendships & Mentoring, Women of the Bible   Scripture: Luke 10:38-42

    If you’re a get-it-done kind of person, do you get bothered by the story of Mary and her sister Martha? Erin Davis calls herself a Type Double-A personality. Read More

  • The One Thing
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: Time Management & Health   Scripture: Luke 10:42

    There is one thing that you should place before any other thing in life, and that one thing is Jesus. Read More

  • At Jesus’ Feet
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: Luke 10:39

    Instead of being preoccupied with much serving or doing like Martha, come to Jesus like Mary and be fed by His Word. Read More

Chapter 11

  • The Priority of Praise
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Luke 11:1

    No matter how urgent or desperate our petition, the starting place is our Father. Read More

  • The Soil
    Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization, Revival   Scripture: Luke 11:24-26

    So much information is available to you these days that it could be easy to let most of it bounce off and not penetrate your heart. Read More

Chapter 12

  • The Highest Calling
    Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Luke 12:35-44

    Acting out of a servant’s heart can get old. How do you continue to serve? Read More

  • Camouflage
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 12:2

    However God chooses to get our attention, the best response to Him is an honest one. Read More

Chapter 14

  • All or Nothing
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Luke 14:33

    Spend time in prayer, surrendering every part of your life to the Lord and asking Him to work out that surrender every day. Read More

  • Quiet Humility
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 14:11

    Because he focused on the wrong goal, Haman was continually frustrated. Read More

  • Twenty-Five Cents at a Time
    Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Luke 14:25-31

    Surrender needs to be lived out in the nitty-gritty of life. That's not so easy . . . but a surrendered life is joyful. Read More

Chapter 15

  • Loving the Unlovable
    Trillia Newbell   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 15:29

    God welcomes us because of His Son, Jesus. We are unlovable but are made lovable by a loving Father. Read More

  • Hard to Wait
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Luke 15:20

    In Luke 15, Jesus tells three stories about lost things. Read More

  • Join the Party
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Luke 15:32

    The parable of the prodigal son is a great story with a great ending—at least as far as the prodigal is concerned. But it’s actually the story of two sons. Read More

  • Avoiding the Older-Brother Heart
    Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: Luke 15:11-32

    There are two brothers in the prodigal son story. As parents, we pray our children don’t turn out like either of them. Read More

Chapter 16

  • A Longing to Serve
    Shannon Popkin   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 16:10

    Rather than putting so much emphasis on the ways you hope God will use you, commit yourself to the tasks He’s already given you. Read More

Chapter 17

  • Abounding in Gratitude
    Topics: Gratitude, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 17:11-19

    We’ve been blessed with access to more knowledge about the Bible than any culture in history, so shouldn’t we be grateful? Read More

Chapter 18

  • High and Low
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: Luke 18:13

    The grace of God is always available to those who lay down their pride and offer God the sacrifice He most desires—a broken, contrite heart. Read More

  • Don’t Stop Praying
    Lori Hatcher   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Luke 18:1

    Jesus knew we’d grow weary. He knew our tender hearts would break over the effects of sin in this world. Read More

  • How Much Longer?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Luke 18:1

    We can trust that, though God does not always answer immediately, He is still hearing, and He is in the process of answering. Read More

  • Persistent Prayers
    Erin Davis   Topics: Prayer, Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Luke 18:7

    There is no statute of limitations on prayer. As long as your suffering remains, keep asking the Lord to deliver you from it. Read More

Chapter 20

  • He Will Provide
    Laura Booz   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 20:47

    Just moments before the widow gave all she had in Luke 21, Jesus criticized the scribes who misused the widows. Read More

Chapter 21

  • Giving Back to Him
    Laura Booz   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 21:4

    We hold our hands out to our heavenly Father and can give back to Him the things He’s blessed us with. Read More

  • So Little Yet So Much
    Laura Booz   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Luke 21:3

    When it comes to giving, God is looking at our hearts. Even if I feel that what I can offer is so small, Jesus sees my heart. Read More

Chapter 22

  • The Soul Anguish of Christ
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Luke 22:43

    Jesus knew He was going into combat against hell for our salvation, and He was in great agony facing the pain and labor of the conflict. Read More

  • Thinking of Others Better than Yourself
    Topics: Brokenness & Pride   Scripture: Luke 22:19-30

    Do you have a biblical definition of greatness? Think about this: Do you treat servers in restaurants with respect? How about those with little education? Read More

  • Prayers with a Postscript
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Luke 22:41-42

    God’s answers almost always come with surprises. Read More

  • Complete Surrender
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Luke 22:42

    Eric Liddell’s life is a powerful call to say “no” to self and “yes” to God. Read More

  • Your Will Be Done
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Luke 22:42

    Jesus submitted to the Father's will and chose the pathway of the cross. Read More

Chapter 23

  • No Doubt: The Word of Assurance
    Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 23:32-42

    Do you ever struggle with doubts over where you’ll be when you die? Nancy offers encouragement to anyone who needs that assurance. Read More

  • Interceding for Transgressors: The Word of Forgiveness
    Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness, God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 23:32-34

    Historians tell us that Roman crucifixion was so painful that those being executed would often curse and scream. In light of this Jesus' words have more impact. Read More

  • The Word of Forgiveness
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Luke 23:34

    When Jesus hung on the cross, He modeled the concept of blessing our offenders in the most powerful way possible. Read More

  • The Word of Assurance
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Luke 23:43

    Heaven is the gift of God for all who believe and receive Christ’s death on the cross. Read More

  • The Word of Confidence
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Luke 23:46

    As God’s children, saved by His perfect sacrifice, our lives are in the safe care and keeping of our heavenly Father. Read More

  • More Than a Method
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Luke 23:34

    It might seem like there’s a point at which forgiveness is impossible—until we look at Jesus. Read More

  • A Word of Confidence
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Luke 23:46

    As children of God, saved by His perfect sacrifice, our lives are in the safe care and keeping of our heavenly Father. Read More

  • A Matter of Death and Life: The Word of Confidence
    Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Luke 23:44-49

    Death has caused great fear for generations. But there is one sure way to escape the fear of death. Discover it today. Read More