• My Brother's Keeper
    Topics: Modesty, Purity & Beauty   Scripture: Romans 14:13

    Cain was the first to ask the question, and many have used it as an excuse ever since: "Am I my brother’s keeper?" Read More

  • Time Is Terribly Short
    Topics: Grief & Death, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Romans 3:23

    In the final months of her life, Rachael Barkey delivered a very emotional message to a crowd that had come to listen to her. Hear her story today. Read More

  • Transformation: How Does It Happen?
    Guest Blogger   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 12:1

    Six helpful principles about how spiritual change takes place. Read More

  • 45 Spiritual Birthday Gifts
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Romans 5, Ephesians 1:1-8

    Forty-five birthday gifts God gives us when we become His children. Read More

  • Far from Sin
    Topics: Revival   Scripture: Romans 13:14

    You’ll face temptation today; you can’t always avoid it. But you can put some guardrails in place to help you say no. Read More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

  • Christ-Centered Kindness
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Romans 2:4

    Our kindness may be the window through which those around us are enabled to see God's beauty. Read More

  • Our Response to Kindness
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 2:4

    Doing kind acts is so important and is one of the things that has always marked holy women of God. Read More

  • Your Gender and Sexuality Tell a Story (Mary Kassian)
    Topics: Gender Identity & Sexuality   Scripture: Romans 1:16-2:1

    It’s true. God designed you as a man or a woman. But have you ever thought about how your design fits into the story of the gospel? Read More

  • Your Gender and Sexuality Tell a Story
    Mary Kassian Topics: Gender Identity & Sexuality   Scripture: Romans 1:16-2:1

    It’s true. God designed you as a man or a woman. But have you ever thought about how your design fits into the story of the gospel? Read More

  • Conviction Equals Love
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Romans 2:4

    When we’re experiencing conviction of sin, it’s not necessarily fun or easy, but it does show us something important—that God loves us. Read More

Chapter 3

  • Time Is Terribly Short
    Topics: Grief & Death, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Romans 3:23

    In the final months of her life, Rachael Barkey delivered a very emotional message to a crowd that had come to listen to her. Hear her story today. Read More

  • His Perfect Justice
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Romans 3:26

    Because of Jesus, when God sees you, He no longer sees your wickedness and sin but instead the perfect righteousness of Christ. Read More

  • Mercy and Truth
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Romans 3:23

    The gospel is God’s response to every denial of need and every doubt of His love. Read More

  • What Do You Believe?
    Ruth Chou Simons   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 3:24

    What do you find yourself believing in this season? Read More

  • His Divine Judgment
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Romans 3:10

    As I’ve meditated on divine judgment, I’ve realized there are no innocent people ever born—except One! His name is Jesus. Read More

Chapter 4

  • Accepted and Approved
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Romans 4:25

    We are accepted and approved by God because He has accepted and approved of the work His Son did on the cross. Read More

Chapter 5

  • God’s Love in Us
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 5:5

    If we’re in a relationship with Jesus, we can truly love by the power of God’s Spirit. Ask God to pour out His love through us today. Read More

  • Sunlight and Rain
    Colleen Chao   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Romans 5:3-4

    If we could sit on a sunny patio and chat leisurely, I’d want to ask you, “What’s the best part and worst part of this season of your life?” Read More

  • Christ’s Love Letter
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 5:8

    Any talk of true love is really just a portrait of the love of Christ. Read More

  • The Best Furniture
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Romans 5:3-4

    God’s grace helps us to turn our thorns into something of value. Read More

  • In Christ Alone
    Portia Collins   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Romans 5:8

    God saved us! We can fully trust that His way of saving us is sufficient and satisfactory. Read More

  • Only One Place to Run
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Romans 5:8

    Have you ever sinned in such a way that you don’t think you could ever be forgiven? Read More

  • The Promise of a Reward
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Romans 5:3-4

    So, stay up under the trial. Be steadfast. God is a faithful God who is patient and longsuffering with us. Read More

  • Recapturing the Wonder
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Romans 5:1

    If you’re a Christian, the best thing that’s ever happened to you is being saved from sure destruction for your sins and ushered into the family of God. Read More

  • His Enabling Power
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Romans 5:8

    When it comes to forgiveness, God wouldn’t command us to do something He would not enable us to do. Or that He hasn’t done Himself. Read More

  • The Love of God
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 5:8

    When Jesus came to this earth in the form of a man, He came to help us see the love of God. Read More

  • A Surprising Gift
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Romans 5:3-4

    Are you going through a time of suffering? Let me encourage you, hard as it may be, to embrace it as a gift from God. Read More

  • 45 Spiritual Birthday Gifts
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Romans 5, Ephesians 1:1-8

    Forty-five birthday gifts God gives us when we become His children. Read More

  • You Really Can Trust God
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Romans 5:3-4

    Look up and be strengthened by a vision of God’s purposes. Hold fast to His promises, and hope will spring up in your heart. Read More

Chapter 6

  • Death Is a Good Thing
    Kelly Needham   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Romans 6:7

    May we choose daily to die to self that we might be united with Jesus, knowing that He alone has the power to save our lives as we entrust ourselves to Him! Read More

  • Our Sin
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Romans 6:23

    As we think about the punishment for the wicked, it’s important to remember that our own sins will not go unpunished. Read More

  • Raised with Him
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Romans 6:4

    If you’ve been crucified with Christ and raised with Him, the power of sin in your life has been overcome. Read More

  • Make Me a Servant
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 6:18

    We’re all servants—either to sin and disobedience or to Christ and His righteousness. Read More

Chapter 7

  • Episode 3: No Good Boys
    Topics: Motherhood & Family, Salvation & My New Identity   Scripture: Romans 7:18-20

    Scripture is clear: your son didn’t come into the world as a “good boy.” That makes your home ground zero for spiritual formation. Read More

  • Compassion Unlimited
    Erin Davis   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Romans 7:19

    Creation isn’t the only tool God uses to reveal who He is (Rom. 1:20). He has graciously given us His Word as a road map to His character. Read More

  • The Battle for Change
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Romans 7:15

    The good news of the gospel is that you can become a person of virtue and godly character. Read More

Chapter 8

  • From Trying to Triumph
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Romans 8:2

    Remember this: What we believe determines the way we live. Read More

  • Through His Hands
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Romans 8:28

    Have you ever had a time when you just didn’t know what God was doing in your life? Read More

  • How to Build Your Faith
    Deborah Smith   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Romans 8:28

    Many of us have baffling and hard circumstances, and we struggle to see how a good God is at work. Read More

  • The Spirit vs. the Flesh
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Romans 8:13

    The pull of our flesh is strong. But the Spirit is even more powerful. Read More

  • The Providence of God in Your Life
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Romans 8:28

    When you cannot see the hand of God, trust His heart and know that His Providence is always working on your behalf. Read More

  • An Illustration of the Gospel
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Depression & Suicide   Scripture: Romans 8:28

    The disappointments you are facing aren’t about you; it’s about Jesus. Read More

  • Don’t Pray Alone
    Lori Hatcher   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Romans 8:26

    God didn’t design prayer simply as a mental or spiritual discipline. Prayer is how we share our thoughts, questions, emotions, and needs with Him. Read More

  • Rest in the Mystery
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Romans 8:28

    Whatever God is doing in your life, in this situation, He has a purpose. You can trust that He is working all things for your good and His glory. Read More

  • The Middle of Your Story
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Romans 8:28

    His plan cannot be thwarted, and in the end the story He writes will be far better than anything we ever imagined. Read More

  • Hope Beyond This Earth
    Portia Collins   Topics: Hope & Encouragement, Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Romans 8:18

    The suffering in this life is temporary. Read More

  • The One and Only Forgiver
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Romans 8:33

    Forgiveness is too big a miracle to expect of ourselves. God is your forgiver—your one and only forgiver. Read More

  • He's Writing Your Story
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Romans 8:28

    You can trust God to write your story—and you can be sure that in the end, He will right your story! Read More

  • How?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Romans 8:28

    If you’re a child of God, the ordeal you’re undergoing will be used to take you deeper into His heart. Read More

  • No Sin Too Great
    Betsy Gómez   Topics: Sin & Repentance   Scripture: Romans 8:1

    There is no sin so great that it surpasses the greatness of God’s forgiveness. Read More

  • In the Midst of the Furnace
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Suffering & Trials   Scripture: Romans 8:28

    ‘Lord, for Your great glory, don’t let me miss any of the sanctifying blessings that You have for me in this experience.’ - Dr. John Piper Read More

  • What Matters Most?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Romans 8:18

    As you look at God’s purposes in bringing thorns into your life, can you give Him thanks? Read More

  • A Thousand Different Things
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Romans 8:28

    God is creating a picture of great beauty and worth for those who will trust Him. Read More

  • Faith and Fog
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 8:24-25

    It is by faith that we move forward in Christ. Even the densest fog won’t change that. Read More

  • He’s Interceding for Us
    Portia Collins   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Romans 8:34

    The chief function of our High Priest is to intercede for us daily before the Father (Heb. 7:25). Read More

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

  • The Key to Every Blessing
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Romans 10:17

    The beginning of this new year is the perfect time to start the habit of spending regular time in God’s Word. Read More

Chapter 11

  • Jesus Knows You
    Topics: God & Truth, Womanhood   Scripture: Romans 11:33-36

    God knows everything. Have you stopped to realize what that truly means? It will boggle your mind. Read More

  • From Him, Through Him, To Him
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth Topics: God & Truth   Scripture: Romans 11:33-36

    Nancy unfolds Romans 11:33-36 and provides the framework to build your life around in her opening message from True Woman 08. Read More

  • How Am I Doing?
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 11:6

    In what things do you tend to measure your value by? How can you rest in Christ and God’s grace instead? Read More

  • A God-Centered Life
    Topics: God & Truth, Womanhood   Scripture: Romans 11:33-36

    When you get married, it’s for better or worse, richer or poorer. The same thing is true in your relationship with God. Read More

Chapter 12

  • Transformation: How Does It Happen?
    Guest Blogger   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 12:1

    Six helpful principles about how spiritual change takes place. Read More

  • When You Feel Inadequate
    Topics: The Enemy   Scripture: Romans 12:1-2

    “I’m a failure. I’m not good enough.” Sharon Jaynes says these kinds of lies fill the minds of women. Counter these lies with the truth. Read More

  • Reasonable Service
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 12:1

    When you feel like God’s call is unreasonable, remember Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Read More

  • Twenty-Five Cents at a Time
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Romans 12:1

    What does it mean to live a surrendered life in the nitty-gritty of everyday? Read More

  • Light in Darkness
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 12:21

    The world desperately needs the people of God to be light in the darkness. Read More

  • Swimming Upstream
    Yamell Jaramillo   Topics: Hope & Encouragement   Scripture: Romans 12:2

    We must swim against the current and not allow ourselves to be enveloped by the culture and its standards. Read More

  • Live in Peace
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Forgiveness & Bitterness   Scripture: Romans 12:8

    It seems like everybody is suing everybody else. That makes one husband’s choice seem all the more extraordinary. Read More

  • Love Does Not Envy
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 12:15

    When you truly love, you are content with the basic necessities of life. Read More

  • The Desire to Please
    Ruth Chou Simons   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 12:2

    A worldly means of favor was never meant to deliver an otherworldly means of grace. Read More

  • No Sacrifice Too Great
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Romans 12:1

    God asks us to offer up our lives and daily circumstances as a living sacrifice, signifying our wholehearted surrender to the One who gave His life for us. Read More

  • Is Your Marriage Displaying the Gospel?
    Topics: Marriage & Dating   Scripture: Romans 12:1-21

    Scripture is full of practical advice for your relationships. Nancy and Robert Wolgemuth will help you find practical ways to love like Jesus straight out. Read More

  • Live in Harmony
    Erin Davis   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 12:16

    Since the gospel transforms us from sinners in need of a Savior to saints fully accepted by God, how should we then live? In harmony. Read More

  • Becoming a Couple That Prays Together
    Topics: Marriage & Dating   Scripture: Romans 12:1-21

    On Valentine’s Day, Robert and Nancy Wolgemuth want to help your love life to grow. They’ll show you how to love more like Jesus by walking through Romans 12. Read More

  • We Are in the Family of God
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 12:10

    To love one another with brotherly affection means we need to get out of our own selves, into the lives of other people. Read More

  • A Living Sacrifice
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Romans 12:1

    Romans 12:1 is the manifesto for the Christian’s surrender to God. Read More

  • Overcoming Evil
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 12:19

    Not only do we not have to be victims of the evil others inflict on us. We can actually overcome evil—with good! Read More

  • Reasonable Service
    Topics: Surrender   Scripture: Romans 12:1

    It can seem frightening to surrender everything to the Lord. What if He wants you to do something you don’t want to do? Nancy knows what that’s like. Read More

  • Sowing Hospitality
    Elba de Reyes   Topics: Hospitality & Home, Motherhood & Family   Scripture: Romans 12:13

    Teach your children that biblical hospitality isn’t just opening your house to the known brother but to the stranger, serving and loving him. Read More

  • Cheerful Hospitality
    Topics: Hospitality & Home   Scripture: Romans 12:9-13

    Does the thought of serving others through your hospitality excite you? Nancy says it should. She talks about being a cheerful giver. Read More

  • A Family Prayer
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Romans 12:5

    When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we’re praying in communion and relationship with all other believers in Christ. Read More

  • Bring It Home
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hospitality & Home   Scripture: Romans 12:13

    More times than I can count, I’ve experienced the joy of being invited into others’ homes and experiencing the gifts of friendship, grace, and peace. Read More

  • Outdo One Another
    Erin Davis   Topics: Missional Living   Scripture: Romans 12:10

    Instead of outdoing each other in the areas of success, power, wealth, and authority, the Bible invites us into a different kind of competition. Read More

  • No Need for Jealousy
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 12:15

    As followers of Jesus, our heavenly Father has been so good to us. Read More

  • God's Word is an Anchor
    Kelly Needham   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: Romans 12:2

    The Word of God is like an anchor. Each time you read it, you are putting your anchor in the ground and holding on. Read More

Chapter 13

  • Far from Sin
    Topics: Revival   Scripture: Romans 13:14

    You’ll face temptation today; you can’t always avoid it. But you can put some guardrails in place to help you say no. Read More

Chapter 14

  • You Are Responsible for Your Own Actions
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 14:19

    The biblical wisdom my dad imparted as I was growing up laid a rich foundation that has blessed my life in countless ways. Read More

  • My Brother's Keeper
    Topics: Modesty, Purity & Beauty   Scripture: Romans 14:13

    Cain was the first to ask the question, and many have used it as an excuse ever since: "Am I my brother’s keeper?" Read More

  • Let Us Not Pass Judgment
    Erin Davis   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 14:13

    Since the “one anothers” in your world are welcomed by Christ, you are free to welcome them, too. Read More

  • The Way of Love
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 14:19

    If we’re walking in the way of love, we’re going to choose the pathway of a servant. We will flee idolatry and immorality. Read More

Chapter 15

  • Apply It
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Christian Growth   Scripture: Romans 15:14

    Do you know how to take the Word of God and apply it to your season and circumstances of life? Read More

  • Don’t Forget
    Erin Davis   Topics: Bible, Devotions & Memorization   Scripture: Romans 15:4

    When it comes to God’s Word, which books have you forgotten? Start digging and watch the picture of God your study will reveal. Read More

  • The Gift of Praying Parents
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Prayer   Scripture: Romans 15:30

    One of the most powerful means of grace in children’s lives is the gift of praying parents. Read More

  • Lining Our Nest
    Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth   Topics: Hospitality & Home   Scripture: Romans 15:7

    Women are specially equipped to make a house into a home. We are nurturers. Read More

Chapter 16