
352 Results

Becoming Elisabeth Elliot

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Elisabeth Elliot was a young missionary in Ecuador when members of a violent Amazonian tribe savagely speared her husband, Jim, and his four colleagues. Incredibly, prayerfully, Elisabeth took her toddler daughter, snakebite…

Becoming Elisabeth Elliot | Store

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In this authorized biography, bestselling author Ellen Vaughn uses Elisabeth’s private, unpublished journals, and candid interviews with her family and friends.

Elisabeth Elliot: Contributor Page

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The late Elliot (1926-2015) was a prolific Christian author and speaker whose first husband, Jim Elliot (1927–1956), was one of five missionaries killed as they sought to make contact with the Waodani Indians. Soon after, Elisabeth and her then two-year-old daughter, Valerie, …

Becoming Elisabeth Elliot, with Ellen Vaughn

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September 16, 2020

What were the influences God used to make Elisabeth Elliot into the courageous woman of faith we knew and loved?

Elisabeth Elliot: Wholly Surrendered to God’s Will | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | June 2, 2016

Elisabeth Elliot beautifully exemplified a heart wholly given to God, a faithful life given to His will, and a mission-minded purpose given to His eternal Kingdom.

Revive Our Hearts podcast episodes by season: Becoming Elisabeth Elliot

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podcast season | September 14, 2020

No hero of the faith wakes up one Tuesday morning and decides, “You know, I think today I’ll become a hero of the faith.” No, the decisive moments actually come on the tail end of years and years of smaller choices. Elisabeth …

She Trusted and She Obeyed: A Tribute to Elisabeth Elliot | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | June 16, 2015

When I received the news that Elisabeth Elliot had gone to be with the Lord, I wept. It's hard to describe the multitude of thoughts and emotions that those tears represented.

True Woman Summer Book Club 2019: Week 4 | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | July 9, 2019

This week, we’re turning our hearts to praise with Elisabeth Elliot.

True Woman Summer Book Club 2019: Week 1 | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | June 18, 2019

We’re discussing Chapter 1 of "Suffering Is Never for Nothing" by Elisabeth Elliot . . .

Avoiding the Irrelevant Question | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | September 18, 2020

Movies often have happy endings. But reality usually doesn’t work that way. The life of Elisabeth Elliot was no exception.