
352 Results

True Woman Summer Book Club 2019: Week 5 | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | July 16, 2019

Do you have nothing to offer? Think again! We’re exploring this in chapter 5 of "Suffering Is Never for Nothing."

When Your Life Disappoints You | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | January 23, 2018

Could I follow a God who does things I don’t like? Could I surrender and trust Him with my heart?

Susanna Wesley: A Hero Without a Cape | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | May 5, 2016

She may not have worn a cape, but Susanna Wesley is a true hero for all the moms out there.

Katharina Von Bora Luther: A Worthy Example of Marriage | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | February 4, 2016

Katharina Luther is a crucial participant in the Reformation movement—with her husband, Martin—in defining Protestant family life and providing a worthy example for marriages within the clergy.

Fanny Crosby: Her Story, Her Song | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | February 25, 2016

Fanny followed God’s lead, humbly stewarded her God-given talents, and walked through each open door of opportunity with joy in her heart. Her life is an example of walking by faith and not by sight.

Anne Steele: A Voice That Still Sounds Today | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | July 14, 2016

Anne Steele, the first significant female hymn writer in history, penned 144 hymns that reflect a rich, intimate relationship with God and a genuine enjoyment of her Savior.

Help for Making Hard Decisions | Articles

article | July 2, 2015

I still remember sitting at my youth leader's kitchen table, a senior in high school, worrying about having to choose a college. A deadline was quickly approaching, and I was frustrated that God didn't send a messenger who would put me out …

3 Reasons to Read Old Dead Guys This Year | Articles

article | January 23, 2017

I hate to be bossy, but mind if I make two suggestions for your new year? Make a reading list. Make sure at least two books written by old, dead guys (or gals) make the list. If you’re like me, the classics …

A Wife's Marriage Advice for Nancy Leigh DeMoss | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | November 9, 2015

Take a peek into Nancy Leigh DeMoss' bridal shower and find Christian marriage advice for a biblical marriage.

Amanda Berry Smith: Turning Obstacles Into Gospel Opportunities | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | February 11, 2016

Amanda Berry Smith’s testimony prompts us to ask: Am I wholly satisfied with who God created me to be? Am I able to see outward obstacles as an opportunity for sanctification?