
77 Results

How to Go on a Search and Destroy Mission for Sin | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | April 3, 2014

Do you find it hard to dig up and remove those deeply rooted sins from your life? Hear some practical ways you can go on a search mission to battle sin.

A Challenge Worth Taking

Hiding God’s word in our hearts is a challenge worth taking up, whether you memorize verses, or passages, or entire books of th…

True Friends in a World of Online Acquaintances | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | August 14, 2017

Social media has redefined our idea of “friends,” but is there more that the Lord has for us in our friendships?

Thriving in Prayer with Leslie Bennett and Dr. Crawford Loritts | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | July 2, 2020

Leslie Bennett and Crawford Loritts will help your passion for prayer to grow. And they’ll help you know how to pray effectively in these days.

Surrendering the Fear with Dr. Rob and Leah Coll | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | April 24, 2020

Are you having difficulty overcoming fear or trusting the Word of God? Today’s guests, provide an honest and eternal perspective to give you hope.

Thriving in Community with Holly Elliff | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | June 29, 2020

Holly Elliff shows us why we need each other and helps us know how to develop that community even when normal life is interrupted.

Q&A Session with Portia Collins and Carolyn McCulley | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | April 22, 2020

Consider today’s episode your virtual small group! Special guests Portia Collins and Carolyn McCulley are here to answer your questions.

The One Who Is the Word

The Word is always attached to God Himself, but ultimately it points to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. …

A Zeal for His Word

God’s Word is always life giving, but we go through seasons and times where we step away from it.

Free of Sin

When we confess our sins, He promises forgiveness and cleansing. The paralysis and pain of our sin is no longer allowed to plag…