
511 Results

To Know What Is True, Meditate on God’s Word | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | August 15, 2023

Often we look to friends or social media or Google searches for wisdom without ever going to the source of truth: God’s Word.

A Look at the Life of Balaam, Part 3 | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | October 7, 2015

Sometimes the situation that’s driving you the craziest is the exact situation God wants to use to teach you and bless you.

Drink from the Well | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | January 14, 2022

As you make decisions, do you ever think about what the Bible says? Is it just a collection of fairy tales? Or is it the powerful Word of God?

Meet Karen Watts | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | August 20, 2020

If your life has ever been controlled by bitterness and anger, you’ll identify with Karen. She was in bondage to her own sin, and her family was suffering.

How to Show Crazy Love | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | November 22, 2023

Staci's in charge of the playlist today on the bus! She and Dannah are going to listen to a song that reminds us that we can show God's love to others.

Finding God in the Desert, Part 1 | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | September 6, 2001

Nancy Leigh DeMoss gives encouragement that God is there to help even in our desert experiences.

He Is Our Savior | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | March 29, 2022

Too many people think of salvation as a one-time event that makes them right with God. Then they go on with life as normal.

God Preserves His People | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | November 20, 2023

When God makes promises, we don’t have to question whether or not He’ll follow through. Nancy takes us back to Psalm 136 to show us His complete faithfulness.

Revive Our Hearts podcast episodes by season: Lessons from the Life of Joshua (Part 9): Defeating Your Jericho

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podcast season | September 30, 2014

Nancy explores the account of Joshua and the battle of Jericho to show us key insights into how we can conquer the Jerichos in our own lives. By following these biblical and time-honored steps, we can move in and take possession of …

Revive Our Hearts podcast episodes by season: Lessons from the Life of Joshua (Part 8): Before We Conquer

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podcast season | September 22, 2014

Nancy explores the life of Joshua to show us the importance of consecrating our hearts and lives for God. When we do get ready for God’s blessing and step out in faith, we’ll see just as the Israelites did that He can …