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Jesus, Light of the World! | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | June 15, 2022

Staci and Dannah watch the fireflies, eat messy s’mores, and talk about how Jesus provides light that will never be overcome by darkness!

Marriage in Fairytale-ville | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | August 4, 2009

Whether it’s the fault of the forgetful fairy godmother or her malfunctioning magic wand—beautiful marriages don’t just happen.

True Woman Summer Book Club 2019: Week 5 | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | July 16, 2019

Do you have nothing to offer? Think again! We’re exploring this in chapter 5 of "Suffering Is Never for Nothing."

True Woman Summer Book Club 2019: Week 3 | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | July 2, 2019

Join us for the next chapter of "Suffering Is Never for Nothing" by Elisabeth Elliot!

True Woman Summer Book Club 2019: Week 1 | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | June 18, 2019

We’re discussing Chapter 1 of "Suffering Is Never for Nothing" by Elisabeth Elliot . . .

Cherishing Jesus, Our True Treasure | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | June 17, 2020

The deepest desires of our soul can only be satisfied by God alone. But how?

Recognizing the True Problem | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | September 13, 2005

Advertisers often tell you they have the solution to your problem! But first they’ve got to convince you that you have a problem! That’s ex

TW Video: What God Can Do Through One Ordinary Woman | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | January 13, 2011

It's really a story about God and how He delights to use one ordinary woman to reach her family, church, country, and the world.

You Need Something More than Studying God's Word (True Woman 201, part 2) | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | April 14, 2015

I'm giving a shout-out to diligent students of the Word. I have a critical announcement to make: You need something more than a thorough knowledge of Scripture!

Sanctification at Work: The Woman You're Becoming | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | November 19, 2015

When we choose to sin, it reveals who we are. When we choose what's right, it affects who we become.