
511 Results

The Legacy of Rahab | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | August 12, 2020

God doesn’t only save you from past sin; He also gives you a glorious future.

If You Want to Be Famous | Articles

article | September 14, 2016

One in four millennials think they will be famous by the time they're twenty-five. Let's take it from the top. Read that sentence again. Let it sink in. Tumble it around in your own heart, and see what emerges. Do you want …

How to Create a Mentoring Culture | Articles

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article | February 6, 2020

In any group of people—friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, or even in a church—a unique culture develops. There’s a typical way of doing things, a common language or way of speaking, predictable reactions to stress or challenges, and traditions for celebrating milestones. As …

Nurture Their Potential: 5 Ways to Encourage Reluctant Leaders | Articles

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article | July 2, 2018

“It’s not my season to lead.” “I don’t have the right spiritual gifts.” “Leading/mentoring just isn’t my thing.” “I don’t feel qualified.” Sound familiar? When meeting with women in small groups and through mentoring relationships, I’ve heard these responses quite often as …

Saying “Yes, Lord” to Singleness | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | August 30, 2021

Was it hard for Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth to trust God with her singleness for more than five decades?

Focusing on Jesus This Christmas | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | November 18, 2021

Barbara Rainey has noticed people are more receptive to hearing about Jesus during the holiday season. But it can be hard to follow up on that opportunity.

Hope for a Dead Church | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | September 19, 2023

If you have been faithfully serving God in a struggling church, don’t be discouraged. Nancy provides hope for you and your church.

A Yearning for Approval | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | June 9, 2014

Deep in your heart, do you ever find yourself asking questions like this: Am I good enough? Do I have what it takes? What do people think of me?

Forgiveness | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | May 27, 2021

Just look around and see people everywhere desperate for love. That theme is in our movies, songs, and advertisements. You can know 100% that you are loved.

The Culture of Fear | Revive Our Hearts Weekend Episode

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podcast episode | June 11, 2022

Is it always wrong to feel afraid when you face a difficult situation? Dannah Gresh explores the solution to fear.