
580 Results

The Final Frontier | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | November 10, 2021

Let’s go stargazing. Today on the True Girl podcast, special guest Bob Gresh issues a dad+daughter challenge that’s out of this world!

Start Here: How to Begin Reading the Bible This Year | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | January 11, 2021

It won’t be long before you want to study the whole Bible, but for today, just start reading.

Mrs. Bright on Aging Without Fear | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | July 21, 2004

We are going to face a lot of tough life situations as we grow older but we don't have to fear those times.

A Life of Faith | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | September 22, 2005

George Mueller meant it literally when he prayed, "Give us our daily bread!" In his lifetime he took care of 10,000 orphans.

How Did the Bible Become One Big Book? | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | September 7, 2022

If the Bible was written over hundreds of years, then it wasn't always one book. Why and how did it turn into one?

Beyond Safe: 6 Prayers for the Mom of the Graduate | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | June 1, 2023

As our children move into adulthood, our prayers for their safety become wildly insufficient. God has ordained for them so much more than a life free from harm.

Pure for You, But Not for Me | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | July 16, 2020

It was “trending” on Netflix, so I gave it a try. Two episodes in, I was hooked?

It's Heaven Because Jesus Is There | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | August 18, 2022

Amy may have said “till death do us part” on her wedding day, but death coming at two years, eight months, and three days was not at all what she thought she’d signed up for.

A Faithful Girl Believes God Will Provide | True Girl Episode

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podcast episode | September 13, 2023

If you’ve ever been camping, you know that you always end up needing something you didn’t pack. Our needs are great opportunities to practice faithfulness.