611 Results
The Beauty of Forgiveness | Revive Our Hearts Episode
When you think about them you get tense or maybe you avoid them altogether. You may be a candidate to discover the freedom that comes from forgiveness.
Ongoing Repentance | Revive Our Hearts Episode
How do you know whether you truly repented from some sin? Do you ever wonder if your confession was genuine?
Navigating New Seasons | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Transitions are important. As you face changing seasons in life, learn how to savor the new opportunities and allow God to use you in new ways.
Grace to Grow Up | Revive Our Hearts Episode
When you first left home, you still had some growing up to do. So will your kids when they leave home. How do you offer help and guidance?
Remembering Vonette Bright, Day 3 | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Vonette Bright had a passion from the Lord to call women to pray for our nation and our world. Find out why that message was burning on her heart.
Baby Steps Toward Trust | Revive Our Hearts Episode
For Charles and Stephanie Wesco and their eight children, life was hard. They were raising support to become missionaries in West Africa.
Motivated by His Glory | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Do you keep a journal or a diary? In the future, after you’re gone, if others read the thoughts you’re writing today, will they be challenged to honor the Lord?
A Repeated Refrain | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Transformation | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Mary Kassian says, “God loves you just the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you the way you are.” Aren’t you glad He changes us little by little?
Teaching Boys to Love God’s Word | Revive Our Hearts Episode
God tells His people to treasure His commands. He says, “Impress them on your children. Erin and Jason Davis will help you know how to do that in your home.