
1,184 Results

Loving Our Enemies, with Gracia Burnham | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | April 4, 2022

Gracia Burnham and her husband were celebrating their wedding anniversary when militant Muslims kidnapped them. Hear Gracia’s story of faith and forgiveness.

When Forgiveness Feels Impossible, with Carrie Robinson and Morgan Hynds | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | June 27, 2022

You've tried to forgive them, but the anger keeps coming back. Find hope for the deepest hurts in this week's episode of Grounded.

What if I've blown it? | Articles

article | March 9, 2011

Last month we focused our posts on love and romance. Many of you wrote to us to tell us that you've messed up in the area of purity. When it comes to being physically and emotionally pure, clearly many of you feel …

Lust Is a Girl Struggle, Too | Articles

article | May 8, 2019

I crawled into my bed and turned on the lamp. It was late. I was tired. But that didn’t keep me from reading a book in my favorite genre, Christian romance novels. I justified my actions and convinced myself that these books …

Purity Is More Than a List of Rules | Articles

article | May 13, 2019

I was that girl. The girl who grew up in church, saved sex for marriage, wrote letters to her future husband, and tried to do all of the “right” things a good church girl should do. Check. Check. Check. I was marking …

Lost Virginity Does Not Define You | Articles

article | April 9, 2018

If we were looking for someone to impact history in amazing ways, most of us would never choose her. Why would God use her, a prostitute, when there were so many other, better women around? We don’t know all of the details …

Best Of: But Why Can't I Look Like Her? | Articles

article | January 2, 2013

Many of you have written that your beauty is an area where you are prone to believing lies. Molly wrote, "Okay, well I'm tall, and I get made fun of for it and I hate it. I have to keep telling me …

Best Of: Are You Hinting? | Articles

article | January 9, 2013

A recent study on the sexual behaviors of teenagers revealed a bittersweet trend. According to the study's findings, American teenagers seem to be waiting longer to have sex. In fact, over a ten-year period the percentage of twelfth-grade students who reported having …

Psst . . . You Were Not Born Pure | Articles

article | September 3, 2012

May I ask you something? Do you ever feel as if you've totally missed the mark? Like you've messed up the perfection that God started with when you were born? Like you have contaminated the goodness He created in you? Maybe it …

To Those Struggling to Wait | Articles

article | March 8, 2018

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths (Prov. 3:5–6). A young girl enrolled in a Christian middle school gave voice …