
1,636 Results

Why We Need a New Generation of Mentors | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | July 31, 2023

A mentor can become the real-life hands and feet of Jesus that prove His promise is true: we are never alone.

Who to Talk to When Your Husband Is Using Pornography | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | February 14, 2023

When we do not tell others what we are going through, we guarantee disconnection and loneliness.

Restoring the Years | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | April 15, 2019

A woman named Kathy carried around a painful secret for decades, then God did something amazing in her life.

Trusting God in Widowhood, with Debbie Cota | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | March 31, 2023

Nancy interviews a widow who is learning to focus on others rather than herself. You’ll be challenged to trust God even when life seems harder.

Restoration | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | February 5, 2021

Imagine losing everything! That’s what one biblical character experienced when she lost her husband, sons, home, and country.

Laughing at the Time to Come | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | June 10, 2022

When you think about the future, what do you feel? Prov. 31 teaches women to face the future without fear. Learn to experience the full life God has for you.

Drought and Drowning | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | April 9, 2019

Do you feel desperate and overwhelmed today? Join Nancy and discover how those desperate times can become the most meaningful days.

How to Have an Undistracted Heart | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | January 6, 2012

Nancy views her iPhone as a mixed blessing. It helps her do a lot of things faster. But it can also be a big distraction when she’s trying to read the Bible.

Episode 2: Christ and the Church | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | January 4, 2024

During a difficult season in marriage, Dannah Gresh turned to her longtime friend and mentor Tippy Duncan for wisdom.

Ask an Older Woman #16: Three Essentials for Moms | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | July 13, 2020

What should a mom focus on so that her decisions are intentional and not controlled by the tyranny of the urgent?