
10,000 Results

Make a Dent Where You Are Sent, with Dave and Ann Wilson and Bill Elliff | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | December 14, 2020

Be inspired to shine the hope of Jesus whether you’re in the kitchen, your neighborhood, or the drive-thru lane.

Transformed: Relationship and Discipline | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | August 10, 2010

I can remember sitting in tiny, windowless practice rooms for hours on end as a college student, playing the same piece of music over and over again. . .

Powerful Women | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | August 4, 2010

In the history of feminism, much of the rhetoric centers around women's sense of powerlessness or the perception that they have less "power" than men.

Responding to the Tidal Wave of Christian Leadership Failure, with Dr. Diane Langberg | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | August 1, 2022

1 in 4 women will be abused. Learn how to respond with hope & perspective in this Grounded conversation with Dr. Diane Langberg.

Help Those Women in Your Church Get Along | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | October 8, 2012

The apostle Paul's appeal for someone to "help these women" in their conflict is for us today, too.

It's Time to Pray, Day 33 | 40 Days of Praying for Your Nation Blog

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blog post | September 2, 2020

We need to see that our America needs the light of Christ once again.

You Can't Be a True Woman (On Your Own) | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | November 30, 2010

When a woman of God embraces biblical truth and acts on it, she impacts her world in powerful ways. The problem? No one can embrace biblical truth without God.

Tell God Your Needs: Surviving—And Thriving—In An Economic Crisis | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | December 8, 2008

Isn’t it funny how we can overlook the most basic things sometimes? Or, like forgetting to . . . tell God your needs.

Slammed Anyone Lately? | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | February 23, 2011

Not long into the message I began to get a little uncomfortable as the preacher began a tirade against certain individuals, even referring to them as “idiots.”

The Gift That Can't Be Spoiled | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | December 22, 2011

God is with us! This is the gift that cannot be spoiled, and it beckons your discovery.