
1,640 Results

Leading Out of Weakness | Articles

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article | June 13, 2016

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:9–10). Leadership is not for the faint of heart. Despite the fact that many assign an elevated status and strength to those who lead, most of …

Facing the Fear of Cancer | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | December 26, 2023

Could you trust God to write your story, even if you heard a dreaded diagnosis? Dawn Wilson is in the middle of cancer treatments.

Episode 3: No Good Boys | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | November 7, 2023

Scripture is clear: your son didn’t come into the world as a “good boy.” That makes your home ground zero for spiritual formation.

Episode 5: The Lies Our Families Tell | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | January 24, 2023

In this continued study of the family of Joseph, discover why secrets don’t belong in the families of God’s people. Text: Genesis 37:12–17

Episode 2: Leah: Longings We Are Afraid to Express | The Deep Well with Erin Davis Episode

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podcast episode | July 7, 2022

Join Erin in peeking into Leah's nursery, described in Genesis 29 and see who hears your quietest, most intimate whispers (and why it matters).

Faithful to the Finish Line, Day 5 | Articles

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article | June 5, 2020

Your Challenge Fix your eyes on Jesus and the finish line by reading Hebrews 12:1-3 every day for ten days. Today’s Verse Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the …

Flee! | Articles

article | June 22, 2010

Check out what happens in Genesis 39:11-12: “One day he went into the house to attend his duties, and none of the household servants was in side. She caught him by his cloak and said, ‘Come to bed with me!’ But he …

Leading by Praying | Articles

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article | November 20, 2017

Our Women’s Care Team meets the fourth Monday of each month. It’s not what you might consider a typical planning meeting—we don’t discuss our programs or events. Instead, we come together once a month and pray. While it might seem a strange …

Angry? Me?, with Shannon Popkin | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | March 21, 2022

From our roads to our screens to our living rooms, anger is on the rise. Gain insight as Shannon Popkin joins us to explore one reason why we're all so angry.

Thriving Through Christmas as a Single Woman, with Jenilyn Swett and Heather Cofer | Grounded Episode

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podcast episode | December 12, 2022

Are you single this Christmas season? Find hope and perspective from guests Jenilyn Swett and Heather Cofer in this episode of Grounded.