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Planner or Free Spirit? | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | January 13, 2012

I was not a planner. I convinced myself I was a free spirit--an artiste. I smugly told myself that I didn't need to make plans, because I had faith.

It's Time to Pray, Day 26 | 40 Days of Praying for Your Nation Blog

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blog post | August 26, 2020

Who of us would not like to see the Lord do amazing things in our midst?

It's Time to Pray, Day 22 | 40 Days of Praying for Your Nation Blog

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blog post | August 22, 2020

Worrying isn't trust; it's foolishness. Intercession is trust in action.

It's Time to Pray, Day 37 | 40 Days of Praying for Your Nation Blog

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blog post | September 6, 2020

Hiding behind church walls is a good way to bring about a steady decline in a nation.

A Willingness to Bend | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | August 23, 2010

While listening to Nancy and Mary talk, I pondered how well the movie The Incredibles illustrates several points made in the True Woman Movement . . .

The Most Influential People in the World | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | March 10, 2010

In 2008, Pastor John Piper addressed what he called the most influential people in the world. Who were they? The answer might surprise you.

Mary Ann on "Voices": Whimpering to Jesus | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | May 11, 2010

Recently I had my fourth kidney stone. The pain is unrelenting. My initial response to the pain was to focus inwardly and whimper to Jesus for relief.