
1,640 Results

Serving Controlling Women in Your Church | Articles

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article | September 11, 2017

Years ago, when it was time to select Bible study materials for the following year, my church’s curriculum committee informed our women’s Bible study team that we were no longer to use Bible studies by a particular author—we’ll call her Susie Smith. …

Untangle Twisted Relationships: When Women’s Friendships Become U | Articles

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article | September 10, 2018

“Ellen, we never saw ourselves as gay, but we have never been in love with another person in this way.” This was how Beth1, a woman in her forties, described her affair with Anna, a young grad student who began coming to …

Women’s Ministry Leader Survival Guide Tool #5: Leading Difficult | Articles

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article | August 19, 2019

The Church suffers when women who love Jesus and desire to serve Him cannot get along. While we know conflict and control is a natural by-product of ministering alongside fallen sinners, Scripture compels leaders to actively pursue peace. Meet my friend Shannon …

You Can Be Free From Guilt | Revive Our Hearts Episode

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podcast episode | May 23, 2023

Our guilt from past sins can feel like a heavy burden we have to carry. But Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Andrea Griffith show us how to be free from that weight.

Mistake #3 in Teaching the Bible: Villainizing the Villains | Articles

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article | May 11, 2020

I don’t like finding out about mistakes I’ve made, but I do like learning how to avoid them. When my pastor, Jeff Manion, shared a workshop about three common mistakes Bible teachers make, I realized I had been making all three! But …

Step Up: A Male Perspective on Dating & Friendship | Articles

article | May 9, 2003

Hang around Christian singles long enough and you're sure to encounter a certain emotion. If you're guessing loneliness, guess again. The prevailing emotion is frustration. Men are frustrated because they don't understand what women want from them; and if they do have …

Resolutions for Godly Living | Articles

article | June 7, 2011

Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God's help, I do humbly entreat him by his grace to enable me to keep these Resolutions, so far as they are agreeable to his will, for Christ's sake. Remember to read …

Begin At My Sanctuary | Articles

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article | February 18, 2023

As followers of Christ, we often come together to cry out to God on behalf of our nation. In doing so, we acknowledge there are no human solutions to the tidal wave of evil in our land and that nothing short of …

Revive Our Hearts podcast episodes by season: Real Grief, Real Hope, with Randy Alcorn

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podcast season | March 29, 2023

When Nanci Alcorn stepped into eternity, she left behind a loving, grieving family. She also left behind sin and pain and sorrow. Randy Alcorn reflects on his wife’s death and the joys of heaven.

An Important Perspective On Suicide | Articles

article | August 15, 2011

Occasionally we get readers on this site who confess to us that they are wrestling with thoughts of suicide. Our ability to respond in those situations is very limited, so we are often deeply troubled knowing that some of you are struggling …