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A Sustaining Vision | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Imagine getting an invitation to meet with someone extremely famous. You’d probably arrange your schedule to make that meeting happen.
Discipline in the Desert | Revive Our Hearts Episode
When parents discipline their children, it demonstrates their love for them. Today, find out why God sometimes disciplines His children.
God’s Promises | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Years of Silence | Revive Our Hearts Episode
You’ve probably heard the song that was popular a few years back called, "El-Shaddai." You may have hummed along, but do you know what that means?
Esther’s Story | Seeking Him Episode
No matter how dark your circumstances, you can know this: Nothing that happens to you—no matter how wicked or painful—is a surprise to God.
A Better World? | Revive Our Hearts Episode
We are living in a time of incredible advances in technology. But does that really make a better world? An ancient story will give us perspective.
The Four Fears | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Revival and Repentance | Revive Our Hearts Episode
How large does a church need to get before it starts planting new churches? Henry Blackaby says this is the wrong question. He says obedience is what matters.
A Life of Belief | Revive Our Hearts Episode
Christmas is all about surrender. It's about the surrender of the Son to obey the perfect will of the Father and enter human history.