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The Destructive Power of Words | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | May 21, 2009

Just a couple days ago, I was wounded by someone’s words. As I wiped my tears away, I picked up the booklet The Power of Words, and my perspective changed. . .

Financial Brooding | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | September 15, 2010

Worry mires our hearts in apprehension and fear, and tempts us to believe the myth that an uncertain financial future is an unbearable state of affairs.

Redefining Motherhood | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | March 17, 2011

Rizzuto planned to leave her husband and two sons for a 6-month research opportunity in Japan, but while there she made the choice to leave her family for good.

When Your Life is Really Wrecky | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | April 25, 2012

Since I'm a God-believer and a Jesus-follower, I'm always looking for the ways God shows up in my everyday mundane. And He does show up.

Are You Afraid of Bad News? | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | May 27, 2013

When I see a voicemail on my phone, fear often grips me.

When Another's Words Sting | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | January 20, 2015

Over the years, people's words have wounded my soul more times than I care to count. It's largely my fault, as I tend to be overly-sensitive (and overly-proud!)

Articles, Resources, and More (06/02/17) | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | June 2, 2017

Comfort When an Unbeliever Dies, 9 Things You Should Know About Ramadan . . . and more!

Guarding Sacred Treasure | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | December 13, 2011

Scripture provides telling clues as to why Joseph was chosen to serve as the Holy Child's guardian, to care for the sacrificial Lamb.

Battle Cry: Fight for Prodigals from Your Knees | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | September 22, 2022

Are you longing for God to call your prodigal home? Cry out to Him using these prayer prompts from the True Woman ’22 preconference.

Purim, Esther . . . and You! | Revive Our Hearts Blog

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blog post | March 7, 2012

The wondrous acts of God are not limited to by-gone days. Our minds cannot fathom all that He is able to do in and through the lives of those who trust Him!