• 1 August ‘16 – 28 September ‘16

Revive Our HeartsThe Lord's Prayer

The Lord's prayer, one of the most well-known prayers in the world begins, "Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name." As Nancy helps you discover deep meaning in this familiar prayer, your whole approach to prayer may very well change.

Episodes in this season

The Lord's Prayer, Day 5

Could you call the White House and set up a meeting with the President? Probably not. Few people have access to the President. But you can have access to God. View More →

The Lord’s Prayer, Day 7

God is in heaven. That’s a basic idea, so why don't we always act like we believe it? Learn how the concept of God ruling in heaven changes our life on earth. View More →

The Lord's Prayer, Day 9

What does "Hallowed be Your name" mean? Nancy explains that the more important question is whether you’re showing the people around you what God is like. View More →

The Lord's Prayer, Day 12

How do you fight evil? Do you band together with other believers or perhaps organize petition drives? Nancy presents a much different approach. View More →

The Lord's Prayer, Day 15

When you start the Lord’s Prayer by saying, "Our Father," it sets the stage for one of the most difficult phrases to pray: "Your will be done." View More →

The Lord's Prayer, Day 16

When you share Christ with someone and that person is saved, it’s more than just a one-time decision. It’s the entrance into a lifestyle. View More →

The Lord's Prayer, Day 19

"God is great. God is good. Let us thank Him for our food." If you learned this mealtime prayer as a child, you still know how to finish it. View More →

The Lord's Prayer, Day 20

One of the writers of Proverbs asked God to give him neither poverty nor riches. That’s hard for us to comprehend in a free market economy. View More →

The Lord's Prayer, Day 22

The Bible tells about a woman who was scraping the bottom of her flour container. She was in the middle of a famine and had very little to eat. View More →

The Lord's Prayer, Day 26

Condemnation will make you feel separated from God. So what do you do when you sin over and over and feel far away from the One you love? View More →

The Lord's Prayer, Day 29

Every believer in Christ has been forgiven. That's amazing news! It’s so amazing, in fact, that a lot of people have trouble believing it. View More →

The Lord's Prayer, Day 38

Can your child recite the Lord’s Prayer? At what age should you teach it to a child? Nancy shares why this prayer is valuable to children. View More →

The Lord's Prayer, Day 39

Amen. You probably use that word every time you pray out loud. But what does it really mean? Nancy provides an explanation on today’s program. View More →