
Explore the Bible’s Truth for Yourself

Bobbie Wolgemuth, the late wife of Robert Wogemuth and Nancy’s friend, loved God’s Word. Each morning, long before the sun made its predictable appearance, Bobbie could be found in her red chair, soaking in the pages of Scripture. With pen in hand, she made notes in the margins of her Bible, highlighting the truths she found buried there.

One day the producer of the film Letters to God asked Bobbie to collect some of her notes and rewrite them in a NIV Bible that could be published, which resulted in the Letters to God Bible—unique in that it looks like a used Bible, with someone’s handwriting throughout. Use Bobbie’s notes to “prime the pump” for your own observations, thoughts, and ideas. Find a pen, sit down with this Bible, and write. Bobbie has given you a sweet head start.

Cover: Imitation Leather
Print Length: 1056