
492 Results

(Un)remarkable Vol 2 | Store

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The goodness of God is showcased through the stories of ten women whose ordinary, daily faithfulness reaped tremendous fruit for the cause of Christ.

Store Resources by Author: Suzy Weibel

View all the resources in the Revive Our Hearts store by author: Suzy Weibel.

T Is for Antonia | Store

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Toni Diaz has a major problem. She's faster, stronger, and taller than most of the boys in her 6th grade class. Doesn't sound like a problem? Think again!

The Deconstruction of Christianity | Store

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This book can help you not only understand what is deconstruction but also stand your ground and respond with clarity and confidence.

Shine for Jesus Coloring Book | Store

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With each colorful experience, your tween girl will meditate on truth about God, herself, and the world!

You're Welcome Here Digital | Store

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What if hospitality is an assignment given to all of God’s children? What if it’s for you?

Gentle and Lowly book | Store

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Christians know what Christ has done for them—but who is he? How does he feel about his people amid all their sins and failures?

Come Adore Digital Download | Store

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Come Adore is a collection of uplifting Christmas music, played on piano by Nancy, with the accompaniment of many talented friends on strings and woodwinds.

Come Adore Piano Songbook | Store

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Arrangements are for moderate pianists. Click here for a sample download.

Friendish: Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion | Store

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Bible teacher Kelly Needham debunks our world's constricted, small view of friendship and casts a richer, more life-giving, biblical vision for friendship.