
494 Results

50 Promises To Live By | Store

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Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shares fifty promises found in the Bible that have been especially meaningful in her walk with God.

Practicing Thankfulness book | Store

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Christians are called to be thankful. Through the daily practices of expressing gratitude we recognize the absolute lordship of God and his sovereignty.

Out of the Shadow World | Store

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Colleen Chao masterfully weaves a tale of suffering and joy. Children will be captivated. Readers develop empathy and a theology of suffering.

Suffering Is Never for Nothing | Store

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This never-before-published message is Elisabeth Elliot’s last teaching on suffering, a subject with which she was deeply acquainted.

Finish Line | Store

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Facing your ultimate death can be scary, but in light of God's promises, it doesn't have to be. Finish Line provides practical and biblical help.

Store Resources by Collection: Living Out Christianity

View all the resources in the Revive Our Hearts store by collection: Living Out Christianity.

It's Great to Be a Girl | Store

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Everywhere your daughter goes, our culture tells her lies about her body. Dannah Gresh and Suzy Weibel point tween girls to the truth about God’s design.

50 Promises to Live By PK/10 | Store

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Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth shares fifty of those promises that have been especially meaningful in her walk with God. 22 page pamphlet. 10 copies.

Lies Men Believe (Softcover) | Store

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Lies Men Believe exposes the lies that men most commonly believe, and shows them how to combat those lies with the truth.

Heaven Rules Book and Discussion Guide | Store

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Heaven’s Rule Is God’s Rule The Bible says God is personally, purposefully involved in all that's taking place here on earth. He's reigning over each tear and scar and crisis and conflict. Heaven is ruling, always ruling. That doesn't mean we won't …