
Erin Davis: When Jill Miller was in her early twenties, she got her first full-time job in the corporate world.

Jill Miller: Working with data, slicing, dicing, analyzing, looking for patterns and trends, and then putting it into meaningful format so that people who were not data geeks could understand it and make some decisions from it.

Erin: Before getting this job, Jill had volunteered a lot of time at church, so entering corporate America was a big adjustment for Jill.

Jill: I really wasn’t prepared for how much energy and time it would take to do that, even though I worked in an office. There’s travel time, there’s back-and-forth, and you really don’t have the ability to take a week off to help in Bible school, for instance.

I was disappointed that I couldn’t continue at the level that I had been doing service for God or ministry for …