Week 4: Jesus Is the Passover Lamb

Editor’s Note: Every Friday from now until Easter, we’re bringing you a series of family devotions from Barbara Reaoch who is passionate about getting the Word into the hearts and homes of families like yours. Peruse this week’s content here, and then scroll down to the bottom to download your free, printable pdf of these devos, as well as any you may have missed. We’re looking forward to getting the Word into our homes with you! —Laura Elliott, Managing Editor

WEEK 4: Jesus Is the Passover Lamb


READ: Luke 22:1–6

What is Passover? The Passover feast celebrated the time God “passed over” His children (see Exodus 12). Every year at Passover, God’s people ate lamb. The lamb was a picture of Jesus who takes our sin and keeps us safe from judgement. The people also ate flatbread made without yeast. Yeast gives us a picture of what evil does—it grows! God does not want His children to have evil in their hearts. The disciples did not want any sin to keep them from Jesus’ love. But Judas did not love Jesus or believe He could see his heart. When Judas died, he would not be with God in heaven. Judas would be in a place of pain and sadness called hell—far, far away from God (Matt. 25:46). Without Jesus’ forgiveness, Judas would take the punishment for his own sin.


  • Why did the people eat bread without yeast?
  • How was Judas different? 
  • Why is Jesus’ forgiveness such a great gift? 


READ: Luke 22:7–16

Why was Jesus so eager for his disciples to celebrate Passover? Jesus was eager because this was the last time they would eat together until the Passover meal in the kingdom of God (Rev. 19:6–9). This is also the last time they would celebrate without understanding that Jesus is the Passover Lamb (1 Cor. 5:6–8). The bread and wine are pictures of Jesus—the true Lamb of God. His sacrifice takes away the sin of all who trust Him. God’s love is so great that through Jesus, He forgives us and frees us from sin’s power. Every boy, girl, mom, and dad who trusts Jesus is forgiven and will live with Him forever.


  • Why is Jesus the “Lamb of God”?
  • What does Jesus do with our sin when we trust Him?
  • What have you learned about God’s love?


READ: Luke 22:17–23

How is the way Christians celebrate the Lord’s Supper different from the Passover meal? Most Christians don’t celebrate Passover to remember how God saved His children from Egyptian slavery. We eat the Lord’s Supper (Communion) to remember He died to save us from sin’s power. When we eat the Lord’s Supper we celebrate God’s love and Jesus’ great sacrifice for us. We look forward to Jesus’ return when we will eat this Supper with Him. Jesus will come again, and His forgiven children will live with Him forever. Jesus gave His life so He could forgive our sin.


  • What do we remember when we eat the Lord’s Supper? 
  • When will we eat the Lord’s Supper with Jesus? 
  • What have you learned that gives you hope about Jesus’ return? 


PRAY: Father God, thank you for your love. Jesus, thank you for your great sacrifice for me. Please give me faith to believe you see my heart. Help me to believe the Truth about you. I want to be forgiven and spend forever with you in heaven.


God KNOWS all things perfectly, as they truly are (Psalm 33:11; Heb. 4:13). Nothing surprises Him. God has known all things from before the foundation of the world (Isa. 46:8–10). He knows every person before they are born and how long they will live. He knows our thoughts, feelings, words, and ways (1 Sam. 16:7; 1 Chron. 28:9). God knows the plans He has for us (Eph. 1:4). Therefore, God will always care for His children and never forget them (Isa. 40:27–31). Just like His Father, God’s Son Jesus is ALL-KNOWING (Phil. 2:6). Jesus knew the Passover Lamb pictured His death for us (John 1:29; Luke 22:14–22). Jesus knows what is in each person’s heart. Jesus knew Judas would betray Him (Luke 22:21; John 2:25). God gives us hope as we remember Jesus (1 Cor. 11:23–25). We remember that Jesus died and rose again. We remember His promise to return (Luke 22:16, 18, 19). We remember we will live with Him in His kingdom without sin (1 John 3:1–3). He will wipe away every secret tear and we will have joy perfectly forever (Rev. 21:3–4; 22:5). God gives us hope as we remember that all His promises are for us (2 Cor. 1:20; 1 Pet. 1:13). 

ACTIVITY: Write HOPE at the top of a piece of paper. List what you look forward to about being in heaven with Jesus. How do you think a Christian’s hope of heaven changes the way he or she lives? 

MEMORY VERSE: Luke 22:15–16 And [Jesus] said to them, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. For I tell you I will not eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.”

Download Week 4: "Jesus Is the Passover Lamb"

Download Week 3: “God Is Faithful to the End”

Download Week 2: “Eternal Life Is a Gift God Gives”

Download Week 1: “God Saves Those Who Depend on Him”

Download “Before You Begin”

About the Author

Barbara Reaoch

Barbara Reaoch

Barbara Reaoch (1952–2024) was a strong advocate for family discipleship and the author of A Better Than Anything Christmas and Making Room for Her: Wisdom for a Healthier Relationship with Your Mother-in-Law or Daughter-in-Law. She served as director of … read more …

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